杂志文章%@ 2291-5222 I JMIR出版物%V 8 %N 7卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 %P老年人吞咽训练移动健康应用程序的用户依赖性可用性和可行性:混合方法试点研究%A Kim,HyangHee %A Lee,Sang-Ho %A Cho,Nam-Bin %A You,Heecheon %A Choi,Teukgyu %A Kim,Jinwon %+语言病理学研究生课程,延世大学医学院康复医学系和研究所,首尔西大门区永大东文街11-12,韩国,03721,82 2 2228 3900,h.kim@yonsei.ac.kr %K老年人%K吞咽困难%K吞咽%K mHealth %K专题分析%K可用性%K应用程序%K教育%K经验%K社会人口%D 2020 %7 27.7.2020 %9原始论文%J JMIR mHealth Uhealth %G英语%X背景:吞咽困难(即吞咽困难)在老年人中很常见,患病率为13% - 54%。改善老年人吞咽功能的适当干预措施将降低发病率并提高与健康相关的生活质量。移动健康(mHealth)应用程序可以通过提供训练强度和频率最大化的程序来帮助缓解吞咽困难症状,而不需要高成本或定期就诊。目的:本试点研究的目的是通过定量和定性评估老年人的自我报告数据,评估吞咽训练应用程序的可用性,考虑到他们的教育水平和移动技术的暴露。在参与者使用我们开发的吞咽干预应用程序时,我们进行了调查和简短的采访。我们随后确定并解决了个人特定的可用性问题,以改善未来为吞咽困难的老年人实施的应用程序协议。方法:共11名参与者(10名女性,91%;平均年龄75.7岁,标准差3.93岁)参加了本研究。 The participants were divided into a high-potential group and a low-potential group based on their total number of years of education and smart device usage. To investigate the usability of the app twice (ie, in the second week of the intervention and the postintervention stage), we used mixed methods consisting of both quantitative approaches, namely the System Usability Scale (SUS) and modified Computer Self-Efficacy Scale (mCSES) surveys, and qualitative approaches (ie, interviews). Results: The quantitative results of the SUS and mCSES surveys revealed that the high-potential group was more inclined to adopt and learn new technology than the low-potential group. Specifically, within the high-potential group, a Wilcoxon signed-rank test indicated that the postintervention mCSES scores (median 65.50) were significantly higher than those in the second week of intervention (median 54.00; z=–2.023, P=.04). Additionally, the usability scores in the low-potential group were within the “marginal acceptability” range even after completion of an 8-week intervention program. Qualitative analyses via semi-structured interviews yielded promising outcomes regarding app acceptability, training program utilization, emotional responses, and learning experience. Conclusions: To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this usability and feasibility study is the first report of a swallowing training app designed to improve the swallowing function of older adults. Future research should consider several issues, such as user characteristics, pretraining education, and the intensity and innate characteristics of the intervention program. %M 32663161 %R 10.2196/19585 %U http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2020/7/e19585/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/19585 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32663161