%0期刊文章%@ 2291-5222 %I JMIR出版物%V 7% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 10% P e14198 %T聋人和听力障碍移动应用程序质量:使用带有附加标准的移动应用程序分级量表(MARS)进行评估来自内容专家% a Romero,Ryan Lee % a Kates,Frederick % a Hart,Mark % a Ojeda,Amanda % a Meirom,Itai % a Hardy,Stephen %+佛罗里达大学公共卫生和卫生专业学院,美国佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔中心路1225号,1 (352)273 6060,ryan.romero1000@ufl.edu %K eHealth %K移动健康%K mHealth %K移动应用程序%K听力%K聋人%K手语%D 2019 %7 30.10.2019 %9原始论文%J JMIR移动健康Uhealth %G英语%X背景:技术的传播和知识的传播通过万维网促进了美国手语(ASL)翻译、口译和语法识别应用程序的开发。关于聋人和重听(DHOH)移动健康(mHealth)应用程序的质量、有效性和适当性的文献有限,这些应用程序旨在帮助聋人和重听(DHOH)进行日常交流和活动。除了对质量评价最少的星级系统外,用于评估手机应用的评估指标通常都是主观的。目的:本研究旨在使用标准化量表评估DHOH应用程序的质量和有效性。此外,它还旨在通过使用内容专家来确定特定于内容的标准,以改进评估过程,并使用内容专家更准确地评估支持DHOH的应用程序和功能。方法:在初步筛选与DHOH相关的应用程序后,生成可供评估的潜在应用程序列表。我们制定了包含和排除标准,以完善应用程序的主列表。该研究修改了一个标准化评分量表,添加了适用于DHOH人群的特定内容标准,用于应用程序评估。 This was accomplished by including a DHOH content expert in the design of content-specific criteria. Results: The results indicate a clear distinction in Mobile App Rating Scale (MARS) scores among apps within the study’s three app categories: ASL translators (highest score=3.72), speech-to-text (highest score=3.6), and hard-of-hearing assistants (highest score=3.90). Of the 217 apps obtained from the search criteria, 21 apps met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Furthermore, the limited consideration for measures specific to the target population along with a high app turnover rate suggests opportunities for improved app effectiveness and evaluation. Conclusions: As more mHealth apps enter the market for the DHOH population, more criteria-based evaluation is needed to ensure the safety and appropriateness of the apps for the intended users. Evaluation of population-specific mHealth apps can benefit from content-specific measurement criteria developed by a content expert in the field. %M 31670695 %R 10.2196/14198 %U http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2019/10/e14198/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/14198 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31670695