% 0期刊文章% @ 2291 - 5222 V %我JMIR出版物%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 6% 9% N P e176 % T纵向简短的智能手机自我监控的有效性和可靠性的饮食,压力,和身体活动在不同样本的母亲% Swendeman,达拉斯% Comulada,沃伦·斯科特%库萨,玛丽安沃斯曼%,卡罗尔·埃斯特林M % Deborah % Rotheram-Borus,玛丽简%拉马纳坦,Nithya % +计算机科学部门,加州大学洛杉矶分校10920年威尔希尔大道、洛杉矶CA, 90024年,美国,1 213 915 6729,nithyaar@gmail.com %K自我监测%K mHealth %K饮食%K身体活动%K压力%K多方法%K手机%K c反应蛋白%D 2018 %7 21.9.2018 %9原论文%J JMIR mHealth Uhealth %G英文%X背景:当自我监测饮食、身体活动和感知压力时,可以使用多种策略,但没有金标准。虽然自我监测是自我管理和行为改变的核心要素,但移动健康行为工具的成功取决于其有效性和可靠性,而缺乏证据。在美国,非裔美国人和拉丁裔母亲是应用程序的优先人群,这些应用程序可以用于自我监测饮食、身体活动和压力,因为母亲的体重指数(BMI)通常在分娩后的几年里会上升,而在少数族裔中,肥胖及其后遗症疾病的风险会升高。目的:通过生态瞬间评估(EMAs)和使用饮食、压力和身体活动的日常日记,与简短回忆测量、人体计量生物测量和血点生物标记物进行比较,检验基于智能手机的自我监测的方法间可靠性和并行有效性。方法:有目的的样本(n=42)主要是非裔美国人(16/42,39%)和拉丁裔母亲(18/42,44%)分配了Android智能手机,使用Ohmage应用程序自我监测饮食、感知压力和身体活动6个月。在随访3个月和6个月时对参与者进行评估。召回措施包括简单的食物频率筛选,根据国家健康和营养检查调查改编的身体活动评估,以及九项心理压力测量。人体计量生物测量包括BMI、体脂、腰围和血压。血点检测Epstein-Barr病毒和c反应蛋白被用作系统负荷和应激生物标志物。 EMAs and daily diary questions assessed perceived quality and quantity of meals, perceived stress levels, and moderate, vigorous, and light physical activity. Units of analysis were follow-up assessments (n=29 to n=45 depending on the domain) of the participants (n=29 with sufficient data for analyses). Correlations, R2 statistics, and multivariate linear regressions were used to assess the strength of associations between variables. Results: Almost all participants (39/42, 93%) completed the study. Intermethod reliability between smartphone-based EMAs and diary reports and their corresponding recall reports was highest for stress and diet; correlations ranged from .27 to .52 (P<.05). However, it was unexpectedly low for physical activity; no significant associations were observed. Concurrent validity was demonstrated for diet EMAs and diary reports on systolic blood pressure (r=−.32), C-reactive protein level (r=−.34), and moderate and vigorous physical activity recalls (r=.35 to.48), suggesting a covariation between healthy diet and physical activity behaviors. EMAs and diary reports on stress were not associated with Epstein–Barr virus and C-reactive protein level. Diary reports on moderate and vigorous physical activity were negatively associated with BMI and body fat (r=−.35 to −.44, P<.05). Conclusions: Brief smartphone-based EMA use may be valid and reliable for long-term self-monitoring of diet, stress, and physical activity. Lack of intermethod reliability for physical activity measures is consistent with prior research, warranting more research on the efficacy of smartphone-based self-monitoring of self-management and behavior change support. %M 30249576 %R 10.2196/mhealth.9378 %U http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2018/9/e176/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.9378 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30249576