杂志文章%@ 2291-5222 %I JMIR出版物%V 6% N 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析7% P e154%台湾以患者为中心的药物和健康管理系统的新型移动健康方法:台北市中山区中山北路二段嘉新大厦(二楼)96号麦凯纪念医院,886 225433535 ext 3065, jimmy.5684@mmh.org.tw %K mHealth %K手机应用%K二维码%K用药管理%K用药坚持%D 2018 %7 03.07.2018 %9原论文%J JMIR mHealth Uhealth %G英文%X背景:移动健康(mHealth)应用程序最近展示了参与和增强人们改善自身健康的潜力。尽管与健康相关的应用越来越多,但它们在台湾的采用率却非常低,主要原因是基于西方文化的应用设计占主导地位,这对非英语人群来说是一个挑战。据我们所知,在台湾没有一款移动健康应用是为讲中文的用户量身定制的,并采用以患者为中心的方法来自我管理药物和健康。目的:本研究的目的是设计和部署一个适合当地文化的移动医疗系统,该系统可以很容易地整合到当前的临床实践中,并评估该移动医疗系统如何支持台湾患者护理的连续性。方法:设计移动健康信息系统和移动应用程序。为了促进最佳的患者体验,开发了一个快速响应(QR码)系统,可以通过移动应用程序有效地注册个人用药信息。该应用程序还支持药物使用、补充和症状检查的通知。患者被鼓励在治疗期间在应用程序中记录药物使用、症状和自我评估。该新型移动医疗系统于2016年8月1日至2016年12月31日在台湾台北市麦凯纪念医院进行评估。 Population data and app usage statistics were analyzed. Results: During the 5-month implementation period, a total of 25,909 users downloaded the app with an overall 7-day retention rate of 15.4% (SD 3.9). Young male adults (range 25-44 years) were the predominant user population. Patients’ feedback on app usability and design, QR code system as drug input method, medication reminders, and linking family or friends into care networks was generally positive. Physicians showed great interest in utilizing patient-generated data in their care process, and the positive medication adherence rate was the most highly valued component of this system. Conclusions: This pilot study demonstrated the value of a novel mHealth approach for individualized medication and health management in Taiwan. The mHealth system shows the potential to optimize personalized care into existing clinical services and may help hospitals and health authorities perform continuous quality improvement and policy development. %M 29970356 %R 10.2196/mhealth.9987 %U http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2018/7/e154/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.9987 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29970356