[0]期刊文章%@ 2291-5222 %I JMIR出版物% v6 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析%N 3 %P 53 %T公开提供的体育锻炼应用程序的质量:回顾和内容分析%A Bondaronek,Paulina %A Alkhaldi,Ghadah %A Slee,April %A Hamilton,Fiona L %A Murray,Elizabeth %+电子健康单元,初级保健和人口健康研究部,伦敦大学学院,伦敦罗兰希尔街皇家自由医院3楼,NW3 2PF,英国,44 20 3002 878,p.bondaronek@ucl.ac.uk %K运动%K健康行为%K移动应用程序%K健康促进%K移动健康%K电子健康评论%D 2018 %7 21.03.2018 %9评论mHealth Uhealth背景:在新的数字健康环境中,健康应用程序的兴起为健康促进创造了新的前景。市场上充斥着旨在增加体力活动(PA)的应用。尽管PA应用程序广泛分布和流行,但关于其有效性,用户体验和个人数据安全性的数据有限。目的:本综述和内容分析的目的是利用卫生保健质量指标评价市场上最流行的PA应用程序的质量。方法:筛选iTunes和Google Play商店中排名前400的免费和付费应用。如果应用程序的主要目标行为是个人助理,目标用户是成年人,并且应用程序具有独立的功能,则该应用程序被包括在内。这些应用程序被下载在手机上,并由2名评审员根据以下质量评估标准进行评估:(1)用户数据隐私和安全性,(2)行为改变技术(bct)的存在以及开发和评估过程的质量,以及(3)用户评分和可用性。结果:400个应用中,156个符合纳入标准,随机抽取65个应用进行下载和评估。 Almost 30% apps (19/65) did not have privacy policy. Every app contained at least one BCT, with an average number of 7 and a maximum of 13 BCTs. All but one app had commercial affiliation, 12 consulted an expert, and none reported involving users in the app development. Only 12 of 65 apps had a peer-reviewed study connected to the app. User ratings were high, with only a quarter of the ratings falling below 4 stars. The median usability score was excellent—86.3 out of 100. Conclusions: Despite the popularity of PA apps available on the commercial market, there were substantial shortcomings in the areas of data safety and likelihood of effectiveness of the apps assessed. The limited quality of the apps may represent a missed opportunity for PA promotion. %M 29563080 %R 10.2196/mhealth.9069 %U http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2018/3/e53/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.9069 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29563080