JMIR出版公司JMIR出版公司JMIR出版公司JMIR出版公司JIA卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析pp的开发与评价智能手机应用系统改善青少年特发性关节炎自我管理的可接受性和可用性% a Cai,Ran a Beste,Dominik % a Chaplin,Hema % a Varakliotis,Socrates % a Suffield,Linda % a Josephs,Francesca % a Sen,Debajit % a Wedderburn,Lucy R % a Ioannou,Yiannakis % a Hailes,Stephen % a Eleftheriou,Despina %+英国青少年风湿病研究中心,伦敦大学学院大奥蒙德街儿童健康研究所,吉尔福德街30号,伦敦,WC1N 1EH,英国,44 0203 108 2420, %K青少年特发性关节炎%K自我管理%K青少年%K青年%K移动应用程序%K定性研究%K智能手机%D 2017 %7 15.08.2017 %9背景:青少年特发性关节炎(JIA)的发作以关节疼痛和肿胀为特征,常伴有疲劳、负面情绪和活动参与减少。为了尽量减少JIA对年轻人身体和心理发展和福祉的影响,必须定期监测疾病活动和副作用,并支持自我管理,如遵守治疗计划和参与一般健康促进行为。智能手机技术有可能通过方便的自我监测和轻松获取信息,使青少年参与到他们的医疗保健中来。此外,对自我报告的症状、行为和社会心理问题的波动进行更准确的总结,可以帮助YP和卫生保健专业人员(HCPs)更好地了解患者的病情,确定自我管理的障碍,并评估治疗效果和额外的卫生保健需求。目前还没有与YP、JIA、他们的父母以及参与照顾他们的医护人员合作开发全面的智能手机应用程序。目的:本研究的目的是设计、开发和评估JIApp的可接受性和可用性,JIApp是JIA和HCPs的YP自我管理智能手机应用系统。方法:我们采用定性的、以用户为中心的设计方法,涉及风湿病学团队的YP、家长和HCPs。研究分三个阶段进行:(1)第一阶段侧重于就应用程序的功能、内容和设计达成共识; (2) phase II was used for further refining and evaluating the app prototype; and (3) phase III focused on usability testing of the app. The interview transcripts were analyzed using qualitative content analysis. Results: A total of 29 YP (aged 10-23, median age 17) with JIA, 7 parents, and 21 HCPs were interviewed. Major themes identified as the ones that helped inform app development in phase I were: (1) remote monitoring of symptoms, well-being, and activities; (2) treatment adherence; and (3) education and support. During phase II, three more themes emerged that informed further refinement of the app prototype. These included (4) adapting a reward system to motivate end users for using the app; (5) design of the app interface; and (6) clinical practice integration. The usability testing during phase III demonstrated high rates of overall satisfaction and further affirmed the content validity of the app. Conclusions: We present the development and evaluation of a smartphone app to encourage self-management and engagement with health care for YP with JIA. The app was found to have high levels of acceptability and usability among YP and HCPs and has the potential to improve health care and outcomes for this age group. Future feasibility testing in a prospective study will firmly establish the reliability, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness of such an app intervention for patients with arthritis. %M 28811270 %R 10.2196/mhealth.7229 %U %U %U