一款支持戒烟者通过短时间体育锻炼来控制吸烟欲望的移动健康应用程序卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析一项随机试点可行性和可接受性研究%A Hassandra,Mary %A Lintunen,Taru %A Hagger,Martin S %A Heikkinen,Risto %A Vanhala,Mauno %A Kettunen,Tarja %+ Jyvaskyla大学体育与健康科学学院,Jyvaskyla, 40014,芬兰,3580408053979,maria.m.chasandra@jyu.fi %K行为改变%K移动健康应用程序%K身体活动%K随机对照试验%K复发预防%K吸烟%D 2017 %7 26.05.2017 %9原文mHealth手机健康背景:虽然芬兰在降低吸烟率方面取得了进展,但患病率仍然很高。参与戒烟计划的吸烟者的复发率很高。体育锻炼被认为是帮助吸烟者控制烟瘾的一种方法。手机和手持设备上的软件和应用程序提供了一个交流信息的机会,告诉人们如何利用体育活动来控制吸烟的渴望,这是戒烟计划的一部分。目的:在一项随机对照试验中,我们旨在测试移动健康手机应用程序“Physical activity over Smoking (PhoS)”的可行性、可接受性、可用性和初步效果,以帮助吸烟者戒烟。这款应用的设计目的是促使吸烟者参与体育活动,以控制他们的吸烟欲望。方法:定期吸烟者(n=44)参加了一个以小组为基础的行为咨询项目,旨在促进体育活动作为戒烟的额外帮助。戒烟后,参与者被随机分配到干预组(n=25)或对照组(n=19)。 Participants in the intervention group were provided with the PhoS app and training on how to use it to assist with relapse prevention. Participants in the comparison condition were provided with generalized relapse prevention training. Results: Some participants reported that the PhoS app was useful in assisting them to successfully manage their cigarette cravings, although compliance across the sample was modest and participants reported low levels of usability. Participants receiving the PhoS app did not report greater abstinence than those who did not receive the app. However, participants receiving the app were more likely to report greater abstinence if they did not use pharmacological support, while those who did not receive the app reported greater abstinence when using pharmacological support. Participants receiving the app reported greater levels of physical activity than those who did not. Results revealed that the app resulted in better retention. Conclusions: The PhoS app showed some potential to reduce abstinence among participants not using pharmacological therapy and to increase physical activity. However, problems with usability and lack of effects on abstinence raise questions over the app’s long-term effectiveness. Future research should prioritize further development of the app to maximize usability and test effects of the intervention independent of quit-smoking programs. Trial Registration: International Standard Randomized Controlled Trial Number (ISRCTN): 55259451; http://www.controlled-trials.com/ISRCTN55259451 (Archived by WebCite at http://www.webcitation.org/6cKF2mzEI) %M 28550004 %R 10.2196/mhealth.6252 %U http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2017/5/e74/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.6252 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28550004