%0期刊文章%@ 2291-5222 %I JMIR出版物%V 4% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 4% P e135% T衡量人类健康和气候变化共同效益的智能手机应用程序:可用应用程序的比较和质量评分%A Sullivan,Rachel K %A Marsh,Samantha %A Halvarsson,Jakob %A Holdsworth,Michelle %A Waterlander,Wilma %A Poelman,Maartje P %A Salmond,Jennifer Ann %A Christian,Hayley %A Koh,Lenny SC %A Cade,Janet E %A Spence,John C %A Woodward,Alistair %A Maddison,Ralph %+体育活动和营养研究所,迪肯大学,锁袋20000,维多利亚州,澳大利亚,61 3 52271100,ralph.maddison@deakin.edu.au %K气候变化%K非传染性疾病%K智能手机应用程序%K旅行%K饮食%K温室气体排放%K碳足迹%K个人%K行为改变%D 2016 %7 19.12.2016 %9原始论文%J JMIR Mhealth Uhealth %G英文%X背景:气候变化和非传染性疾病负担是全球面临的主要挑战。有机会通过从机动交通转向主动交通(步行和骑自行车)以及饮食模式从全球化饮食转向减少肉类和能量密集食品的消费,来调查健康和气候变化的共同效益。鉴于智能手机应用程序的普遍使用和扩散,有机会使用这项技术来捕捉个人旅行和饮食行为及其对环境和健康的相关影响。目的:本研究的目的是识别、描述现有智能手机应用程序的功能,并评估其质量,这些应用程序可以捕捉个人旅行和饮食行为,同时估计这些行为的碳成本和潜在健康后果。方法:在2015年10月19日至11月6日期间搜索谷歌Play和苹果应用程序商店,并在2016年8月8日至9月18日期间使用应用程序过滤器进行二次谷歌搜索。符合条件的应用程序被要求评估个人行为的碳成本,并有可能包括最大化健康结果的功能。两名研究人员使用移动应用程序评分量表(MARS)评估了所收录应用程序的质量。结果:在7213个结果中,有40个应用被识别并进行了评级。 Multiple travel-related apps were identified, however no apps solely focused on the carbon impact or health consequences of dietary behavior. None of the rated apps provided sufficient information on the health consequences of travel and dietary behavior. Some apps included features to maximize participant engagement and encourage behavior change towards reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Most apps were rated as acceptable quality as determined by the MARS; 1 was of poor quality and 10 apps were of good quality. Interrater reliability of the 2 evaluators was excellent (ICC=0.94, 95% CI 0.87-0.97). Conclusions: Existing apps capturing travel and dietary behavior and the associated health and environmental impact are of mixed quality. Most apps do not include all desirable features or provide sufficient health information. Further research is needed to determine the potential of smartphone apps to evoke behavior change resulting in climate change and health co-benefits. %M 27993762 %R 10.2196/mhealth.5931 %U http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2016/4/e135/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.5931 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27993762