心衰自我管理中基于移动网络的远程监测系统的患者参与研究[j]卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析试点研究%A Zan,Shiyi %A Agboola,Stephen %A Moore,Stephanie %A Parks,Kimberly %A Kvedar,Joseph C %A Jethwani,Kamal %+ Partners HealthCare互联健康中心,美国马萨诸塞州波士顿新查登街25号300室,1617 724 3410,kjethwani@partners.org %K心力衰竭%K疾病自我管理%K远程监测%K远程监测%K交互式语音应答系统%K移动健康%K网络门户%K患者参与度%K生活质量%D 2015年1月4日背景:充血性心力衰竭的强化远程监测方案已经成功地减少了昂贵的再入院率,但可能并不适用于所有患者。随着移动技术和面向消费者的数字设备的日益普及,有机会使患者能够在医院之外监测自己的健康状况。iGetBetter系统是一个安全的基于网络和电话的心力衰竭远程监测程序,它利用移动技术和便携式数字设备,以较低的成本提供了一个创造性的解决方案。目的:本初步研究的目的是评估iGetBetter系统用于心力衰竭患者疾病自我管理的可行性。方法:这是一项单臂前瞻性研究,在90天的研究期间,21名门诊成年心力衰竭患者使用心力衰竭自我管理干预措施。患者被指示每天早晨使用WS-30蓝牙体重秤、自动充气血压袖带(Withings LLC, Issy les Moulineaux,法国)和iPad Mini平板电脑(Apple Inc, Cupertino, CA, USA)测量体重、血压和心率,并配备蜂窝互联网连接,在互联网上查看他们的测量结果。评估的结果包括可用性和满意度、参与干预、医院资源利用和心力衰竭相关的生活质量。描述性统计用于汇总数据,并使用从电子病历中识别的匹配对照作为评估住院情况的比较。 Results: There were 20 participants (mean age 53 years) that completed the study. Almost all participants (19/20, 95%) reported feeling more connected to their health care team and more confident in performing care plan activities, and 18/20 (90%) felt better prepared to start discussions about their health with their doctor. Although heart failure-related quality of life improved from baseline, it was not statistically significant (P=.55). Over half of the participants had greater than 80% (72/90 days) weekly and overall engagement with the program, and 15% (3/20) used the interactive voice response telephone system exclusively for managing their care plan. Hospital utilization did not differ in the intervention group compared to the control group (planned hospitalizations P=.23, and unplanned hospitalizations P=.99). Intervention participants recorded shorter average length of hospital stay, but no significant differences were observed between intervention and control groups (P=.30). Conclusions: This pilot study demonstrated the feasibility of a low-intensive remote monitoring program leveraging commonly used mobile and portable consumer devices in augmenting care for a fairly young population of ambulatory patients with heart failure. Further prospective studies with a larger sample size and within more diverse patient populations is necessary to determine the effect of mobile-based remote monitoring programs such as the iGetBetter system on clinical outcomes in heart failure. %M 25842282 %R 10.2196/mhealth.3789 %U http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2015/2/e33/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.3789 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25842282