2型糖尿病患者的低强度移动健康干预(含和不含健康咨询),第1部分卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析更新健康挪威部分随机对照试验的基线和短期结果% a Torbjørnsen,Astrid % a Jenum,Anne Karen % a sm stuen,Milada Cvancarova % a Årsand,Eirik % a Holmen,Heidi % a Wahl,Astrid Klopstad % a Ribu,Lis %+奥斯陆和Akershus大学应用科学学院健康科学学院护理系,pb4 St.Olavs Plass,奥斯陆,N-0130,挪威,47 67 23 61 99,Astrid.Torbjornsen@hioa.no %K自我护理%K生活质量%K糖尿病,随机对照试验远程医疗移动医疗移动应用咨询复杂干预生活方式背景:2型糖尿病患者自我管理支持在糖尿病护理中至关重要。因此,移动医疗技术无论有无低强度的基于理论的健康咨询,都可以成为促进自我管理的重要工具。目的:目的是评估采用技术支持的自我管理(FTA)糖尿病日记,有或没有健康咨询,是否能改善糖化血红蛋白(HbA1c)水平、自我管理、行为改变和健康相关生活质量,并描述4个月后参与者的社会人口统计学、临床和生活方式特征。方法:2011-2013年在挪威进行一项三臂随机对照试验。在两个干预组中,参与者获得了一部手机,为期一年,可以访问FTA日记,这是一个记录5个元素的自助工具:血糖、饮食习惯、体育活动、个人目标设定和糖尿病信息查询系统。其中一个干预组还从基线开始,通过电话与糖尿病专科护士进行了为期4个月的理论健康咨询。干预组和对照组均按照国家指南进行常规护理。纳入HbA1c≥7.1%的2型糖尿病成人(N=151)。 There were 3 assessment points: baseline, 4 months, and 1 year. We report the short-term findings after 4 months. HbA1c was the primary outcome and the secondary outcomes were self-management (Health Education Impact Questionnaire, heiQ), behavioral change (diet and physical activity), and health-related quality of life (SF-36 questionnaire). The data were analyzed using univariate methods (ANOVA), multivariate linear, and logistic regression. Results: Data were analyzed from 124 individuals (attrition rate was 18%). The groups were well balanced at baseline. There were no differences in HbA1c between groups after 4 months, but there was a decline in all groups. There were changes in self-management measured using the health service navigation item in the heiQ, with improvements in the FTA group compared to the control group (P=.01) and in the FTA with health counseling group compared with both other groups (P=.04). This may indicate an improvement in the ability of patients to communicate health needs to their health care providers. Furthermore, the FTA group reported higher scores for skill and technique acquisition at relieving symptoms compared to the control group (P=.02). There were no significant changes in any of the domains of the SF-36. Conclusions: The primary outcome, HbA1c, did not differ between groups after 4 months. Both of the intervention groups had significantly better scores than the control group for health service navigation and the FTA group also exhibited improved skill and technique acquisition. %M 25499592 %R 10.2196/mhealth.3535 %U http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2014/4/e52/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.3535 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25499592