[0期刊文章%@ 2291-5222]I JMIR Publicati卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析ons Inc. %V 2 %N 1 %P 16 %T社交媒体和智能手机应用在重大空气污染危机时期个人身心健康评估中的应用%张a,Melvyn WB % a Ho,Cyrus SH % a Fang,Pan % a Lu, yananxia % a Ho,Roger CM %+东南亚雾霾研究联盟,山东大学医学院医学心理学系,医学心理学系,医学院,中国山东大学,中国,250102,86 053188382039,melvynzhangweibin@gmail.com %K危机%K雾霾互联网%K基于web的媒介%K社交网络%K智能手机应用程序%D 2014 %7 25.03.2014 %9原文JMIR移动健康Uhealth英文%X背景:危机形势给研究人员,公共机构和政府在收集数据和对受影响个体进行研究方面带来了许多挑战。网络和智能手机技术的最新发展为政府和非政府组织提供了一种传播和获取信息的新系统。然而,对这一领域的研究仍然缺乏。目前的研究主要集中在新的社交网站,特别是智能手机技术如何在2013年东南亚雾霾期间帮助从普通人群中获取关键的研究数据。这次危机只持续了一周,不像其他危机那样有大规模的后续影响。目的:确定受访者是否会在危机期间利用互联网、社交媒体和智能手机技术提供关于他们身心健康的反馈,如果是这样,这些新机制是否与传统的、技术的、基于互联网的网站技术一样有效。方法:开发基于web的数据库和智能手机应用程序。参与者采用滚雪球抽样方式招募。参与者要么是通过自己赞助的Facebook帖子招募的,帖子上有关于身心健康的问卷的直接链接,要么是通过基于智能手机的应用程序招募的; or via dissemination of the questionnaire link by emails, directed to the same group of participants. Information pertaining to physical and psychological wellbeing was collated. Results: A total of 298 respondents took part in the survey. Most of them were between the ages of 20 to 29 years and had a university education. More individuals preferred the option of accessing and providing feedback to a survey on physical and psychological wellbeing via direct access to a Web-based questionnaire. Statistical analysis showed that demographic variables like age, gender, and educational levels did not influence the mechanism of access. In addition, the participants reported a mean number of 4.03 physical symptoms (SD 2.6). The total Impact of Event Scale–Revised (IES-R) score was 18.47 (SD 11.69), which indicated that the study population did experience psychological stress but not post-traumatic stress disorder. The perceived dangerous Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) level and the number of physical symptoms were associated with higher IES-R Score (P<.05). Conclusions: This is one of the first few studies demonstrating the use of Internet in data collection during an air-pollution crisis. Our results demonstrated that the newer technological modalities have the potential to acquire data, similar to that of conventional technologies. Demographic variables did not influence the mechanism of usage. In addition, our findings also suggested that there are acute physical and psychological impacts on the population from an air-pollution crisis. %M 25098255 %R 10.2196/mhealth.2827 %U http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2014/1/e16/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.2827 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25098255