%0杂志文章%@ 2291-5222 %I JMIR出版物%V 10%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 10% P e39085 %T智能手机方法评估健康年轻人身体活动的测量特性:系统回顾% Parmenter,贝琳达%烟草,克莱尔%斯图尔特,考特尼% Whife,杰西%冠军,卡特里娜%奥斯曼,布赖迪%牛顿,尼古拉%绿色,奥利维亚%中,安妮B %加德纳,劳伦% Visontay,瑞秋%博雷尔,路易丝%科比,扎卡里·查普曼%,导管% Lubans, David R %桑德兰,马修%斯莱德,蒂姆%桑顿,路易丝% +健康科学学院,新南威尔士大学,234房间,2级华莱士Wurth建筑,高街和植物学街,肯辛顿NSW 2052,澳大利亚,61 0290653510,c.burley@unsw.edu.au %K智能手机%K手机%K移动健康%K预防%K风险%K体育活动%K久坐行为%K年轻人%D 2022 %7 21.10.2022 %9回顾%J JMIR移动健康Uhealth %G英语%X背景:缺乏体育活动是几种慢性疾病的一个可预防的风险因素,也是全球疾病负担不断增加背后的驱动力之一。最近的证据表明,使用移动智能手机应用程序进行干预可以显著提高身体活动(PA)水平。然而,使用应用程序的准确性和可靠性尚不清楚。目的:本综述的目的是确定使用移动应用程序测量年轻人PA水平的准确性和可靠性。我们在PRISMA(系统评价和元分析首选报告项目)的指导下进行了系统评价。方法:2007 - 2020年发表的研究来源于8个数据库:ovid MEDLINE、Embase (Elsevier)、Cochrane Library (Wiley)、PsychINFO (EBSCOhost)、CINAHL (EBSCOhost)、Web of Science (Clarivate)、SPORTDiscus (EBSCOhost)和IEEE Xplore数字图书馆数据库。研究对象是10-24岁、没有慢性疾病的年轻人,他们评估了一款移动应用程序测量PA的能力。主要结果包括测量方法的效度、信度和响应性。 Duplicate screening was conducted for eligibility, data extraction, and assessing the risk of bias. Results were reported as a systematic review. The main physical activity measures evaluated for each study were the following: total PA time (min/day or min/week), total moderate to vigorous PA per week, daily step count, intensity measure (heart rate), and frequency measure (days per week). Results: Of the 149 identified studies, 5 met the inclusion criteria (322 participants, 176 female; mean age 14, SD 3 years). A total of 3 studies measured criterion validity and compared PA measured via apps against PA measured via an Actigraph accelerometer. The 2 studies that reported on construct validity identified a significant difference between self-reported PA and the objective measure. Only 1 of the 5 apps examined was available to the public, and although this app was highly accepted by young people, the app recorded PA to be significantly different to participants’ self-reported PA. Conclusions: Overall, few studies assess the reliability, validity, and responsiveness of mobile apps to measure PA in healthy young people, with studies typically only reporting on one measurement property. Of the 3 studies that measured validity, all concluded that mobile phones were acceptable and valid tools. More research is needed into the validity and reliability of smartphone apps to measure PA levels in this population as well as in populations with other characteristics, including other age groups and those with chronic diseases. Trial Registration: PROSPERO CRD42019122242; https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?RecordID=122242 %M 36269659 %R 10.2196/39085 %U https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e39085 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/39085 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36269659