@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/25668,作者="Musgrave, Loretta M和Baum, Alison和Perera, Nilushka和Homer, Caroline SE和Gordon, Adrienne",标题="母乳喂养和行为改变的婴儿伙伴应用程序:使用行为改变轮的应用程序的回顾性研究",期刊="JMIR Mhealth Uhealth",年="2021",月="Apr",日="15",卷="9",数="4",页="e25668",关键词="母乳喂养;应用程序;数字健康;智能手机应用;行为改变轮;背景:母乳喂养对母亲和婴儿的健康起着重要作用,并有可能在短期和长期对个人生活产生积极影响。在联合王国,尽管有81%的妇女开始母乳喂养,但只有1%的妇女按照世界卫生组织的建议纯母乳喂养至6个月。在英国,社会地位低下和年龄较小的妇女在产后6至8周时不太可能进行母乳喂养。一种旨在改善这些统计数据的策略是Baby Buddy应用程序,它是由英国慈善机构Best Beginnings设计和实施的,旨在作为一种普遍干预措施,帮助减少健康不平等,包括母乳喂养方面的不平等。目的:本研究旨在通过应用行为改变轮(BCW)框架对Baby Buddy的发展进行回顾性研究,以了解它如何提高母乳喂养的自我效能感、知识和信心。 Methods: Retrospective application of the BCW was completed after the app was developed and embedded into maternity services. A three-stage process evaluation used triangulation methods and formalized tools to gain an understanding of the potential mechanisms and behaviors used in apps that are needed to improve breastfeeding rates in the UK. First, we generated a behavioral analysis by mapping breastfeeding barriers and enablers onto the Capability, Opportunity, and Motivation-Behavior (COM-B) system using documents provided by Best Beginnings. Second, we identified the intervention functions and policy categories used. Third, we linked these with the behavior change techniques identified in the app breastfeeding content using the Behavior Change Techniques Taxonomy (BCTTv1). Results: Baby Buddy is a well-designed platform that could be used to change breastfeeding behaviors. Findings from stage one showed that Best Beginnings had defined breastfeeding as a key behavior requiring support and demonstrated a thorough understanding of the context in which breastfeeding occurs, the barriers and enablers of breastfeeding, and the target actions needed to support breastfeeding. In stage two, Best Beginnings had used intervention and policy functions to address the barriers and enablers of breastfeeding. In stage three, Baby Buddy had been assessed for acceptability, practicability, effectiveness, affordability, safety, and equity. Several behavior change techniques that could assist women with decision making around breastfeeding (eg, information about health consequences and credible sources) and possibly affect attitudes and self-efficacy were identified. Of the 39 videos in the app, 19 (49{\%}) addressed physical capabilities related to breastfeeding and demonstrated positive breastfeeding behaviors. Conclusions: Applying a theoretical framework retrospectively to a mobile app is possible and results in useful information to understand potential health benefits and to inform future development. Future research should assess which components and behavioral techniques in the app are most effective in changing behavior and supporting breastfeeding. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/25668", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2021/4/e25668", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/25668", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33856351" }