@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/19487,作者=“王,元,刘,玉乔,石,彦崔,于,彦军,杨巨成”,标题=“中国虚拟医院应用的用户感知:系统搜索”,期刊=“JMIR移动健康Uhealth”,年=“2020”,月=“8”,日=“12”,卷=“8”,号=“8”,页=“e19487”,关键词=“移动应用;移动健康;远程会诊;中国;应用评价分析;背景:虚拟医院应用程序是提供在线咨询、医疗指导、卫生社区论坛、转诊、门诊预约或虚拟医院到家庭护理服务功能的移动应用程序。随着越来越多的在线医疗和卫生保健咨询服务,虚拟医院应用程序使医疗保健更容易获得,对所有人更公平,尤其是在中国。然而,它们是在没有控制或监管的情况下发生的。用户评价可以为app优化识别、降低风险、保证服务质量提供指导。目的:我们旨在对中国的虚拟医院应用程序进行系统的搜索。 To get a global view, virtual hospital apps were assessed and characterized by means of quantitative analysis. To get a local view, we conducted a content feedback analysis to explore user requirements, expectations, and preferences. Methods: A search was conducted of the most popular Apple and Android app stores in China. We characterized and verified virtual hospital apps and grouped apps according to quantification analysis. We then crawled apps and paid attention to corresponding reviews to incorporate users' involvement, and then performed aspect-based content labeling and analysis using an inductive approach. Results: A total of 239 apps were identified in the virtual hospital app markets in China, and 2686 informative corresponding reviews were analyzed. The evidence showed that usefulness and ease of use were vital facts for engagement. Users were likely to trust a consulting service with a high number of downloads. Furthermore, users expected frequently used apps with more optimization to improve virtual service. We characterized apps according to 4 key features: (1) app functionalities, including online doctor consultation, in-app purchases, tailored education, and community forums; (2) security and privacy, including user data management and user privacy; (3) health management, including health tracking, reminders, and notifications; and (4) technical aspects, including user interface and equipment connection. Conclusions: Virtual hospitals relying on the mobile internet are growing rapidly. A large number of virtual hospital apps are available and accessible to a growing number of people. Evidence from this systematic search can help various types of virtual hospital models enhance virtual health care experiences, go beyond offline hospitals, and continuously meet the needs of individual end users. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/19487", url="http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2020/8/e19487/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/19487", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32687480" }