@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/17191,作者=“Shanks, Sarah和Morelli, Alessandra和Ardines, Elena和Holdsworth, Gillian和Baraitser, Paula”,标题=“双向短信支持自我保健和提供在线性健康服务:混合方法评估”,期刊=“JMIR Mhealth Uhealth”,年=“2020”,月=“8”,日=“20”,卷=“8”,数=“8”,页=“e17191”,关键词=“SMS;短信;数字健康;性的健康;自理;,摘要=“背景:数字医疗越来越多地用于提高卫生服务可及性和降低成本。远程保健要求服务使用者发挥重要的自我管理作用,这就产生了应在服务规划中反映出来的信息提供和支助需求。SMS文本消息提供了一种方便和低成本的通信方法,并且越来越多地用于数字医疗保健服务,以提供远程支持。目的:本研究的目的是量化在线性健康服务中通过用户与双向短信支持服务交互产生的短信数量,并从主题上探索信息的内容和促进自我管理所需的支持类型。方法:分析2018年4月4日至2018年7月5日期间某在线性健康服务机构收到的所有短信内容。 Messages were classified as being either administrative or clinical in nature and service or user initiated. For those messages that were both clinical and user initiated, a qualitative thematic analysis was completed to fully describe the content of the interactions. Results: A total of 267 actionable messages were generated per 1000 orders requested through the service. Of the 8562 messages, 5447 (63.62{\%}) messages were administrative and 3115 (36.38{\%}) were clinical. Overall, 4306 of the 8562 messages (50.29{\%}) responded to service-generated queries reflecting the public health and clinical responsibilities of an online provider, and 4256 (49.71{\%}) were user-generated queries, demonstrating a willingness by users to proactively engage with a two-way SMS text messaging support service. Of the 3115 clinical messages, 968 (31.08{\%}) clinical messages were user initiated and shared personal and complex clinical information, including requests for help with the self-testing process and personalized clinical advice relating to symptoms and treatment. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the willingness of users of an online sexual health service to engage with two-way SMS text messaging and provides insight into the quantity and nature of the support required to facilitate service delivery and self-care. Further work is required to understand the range of clinical problems that can be managed within this medium. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/17191", url="http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2020/8/e17191/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/17191", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32815820" }