@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/23148,作者=“黄志莲和郭,惠玲和李,Yee-Mun和Ho, Eu Chin和Ang, Hou和Chow, Angela”,标题=“新加坡COVID-19应对数字接触者追踪工具的性能:横断面研究”,期刊=“JMIR Mhealth Uhealth”,年=“2020”,月=“10”,日=“29”,卷=“8”,数=“10”,页=“e23148”,关键词=“传染病”;实时定位系统;电子病历;COVID-19;接触者追踪;背景:在COVID-19大流行期间,有效的接触者追踪是劳动密集型和时间敏感的,但在缺乏有效治疗和疫苗的情况下也是必不可少的。新加坡于2020年3月推出了首个基于蓝牙的接触者追踪应用程序TraceTogether,以增强新加坡的接触者追踪能力。目的:本研究旨在比较接触者追踪应用程序TraceTogether与基于可穿戴标签的实时定位系统(RTLS)的性能,并与国家传染病中心(NCID)的电子病历进行验证,NCID是国家COVID-19筛查转诊中心。方法:对NCID筛查中心的所有患者和医生发放RTLS标签(CADI Scientific)进行接触者追踪。2020年5月10日至5月20日,共有18名医生被部署到NCID筛查中心。 The physicians activated the TraceTogether app (version 1.6; GovTech) on their smartphones during shifts and urged their patients to use the app. We compared patient contacts identified by TraceTogether and those identified by RTLS tags within the NCID vicinity during physicians' 10-day posting. We also validated both digital contact tracing tools by verifying the physician-patient contacts with the electronic medical records of 156 patients who attended the NCID screening center over a 24-hour time frame within the study period. Results: RTLS tags had a high sensitivity of 95.3{\%} for detecting patient contacts identified either by the system or TraceTogether while TraceTogether had an overall sensitivity of 6.5{\%} and performed significantly better on Android phones than iPhones (Android: 9.7{\%}, iPhone: 2.7{\%}; P<.001). When validated against the electronic medical records, RTLS tags had a sensitivity of 96.9{\%} and specificity of 83.1{\%}, while TraceTogether only detected 2 patient contacts with physicians who did not attend to them. Conclusions: TraceTogether had a much lower sensitivity than RTLS tags for identifying patient contacts in a clinical setting. Although the tag-based RTLS performed well for contact tracing in a clinical setting, its implementation in the community would be more challenging than TraceTogether. Given the uncertainty of the adoption and capabilities of contact tracing apps, policy makers should be cautioned against overreliance on such apps for contact tracing. Nonetheless, leveraging technology to augment conventional manual contact tracing is a necessary move for returning some normalcy to life during the long haul of the COVID-19 pandemic. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/23148", url="http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2020/10/e23148/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/23148", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33006944" }