@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/13311,作者=“Taj, Fawad and Klein, Michel C A and van Halteren, Aart”,标题=“数字健康行为改变技术:二十年研究的文献计量学和范围综述”,期刊=“JMIR Mhealth Uhealth”,年=“2019”,月=“Dec”,日=“13”,卷=“7”,号=“12”,页=“e13311”,关键词=“persuasive Technology”;数字健康行为;行为改变系统;行为改变支持系统;文献计量分析;背景:近几十年来,关于数字技术改变健康行为的研究急剧增加。由于本课题的跨学科性质,需要来自不同研究领域的知识和技术。到目前为止,这些领域的知识如何结合到实际应用中还不清楚。需要一个全面的分析,系统地绘制和探索知识在这个新兴的跨学科领域的使用。目的:本研究旨在概述围绕健康行为改变的数字技术设计和开发的研究领域,并探讨其趋势和模式。 Methods: A bibliometric analysis is used to provide an overview of the field, and a scoping review is presented to identify the trends and possible gaps. The study is based on the publications related to persuasive technologies and health behavior change in the last 18 years, as indexed by the Web of Science and Scopus (317 and 314 articles, respectively). In the first part, regional and time-based publishing trends; research fields and keyword co-occurrence networks; influential journals; and collaboration network between influential authors, countries, and institutions are examined. In the second part, the behavioral domains, technological means and theoretical foundations are investigated via a scoping review. Results: The literature reviewed shows a clear and emerging trend after 2001 in technology-based behavior change, which grew exponentially after the introduction of the smartphone around 2009. Authors from the United States, Europe, and Australia have the highest number of publications in the field. The three most active research areas are computer science, public and occupational health, and psychology. The keyword ``mhealth'' was the dominant term and predominantly used together with the term ``physical activity'' and ``ehealth''. A total of three strong clusters of coauthors have been found. Nearly half of the total reported papers were published in three journals. The United States, the United Kingdom, and the Netherlands have the highest degree of author collaboration and a strong institutional network. Mobile phones were most often used as a technology platform, regardless of the targeted behavioral domain. Physical activity and healthy eating were the most frequently targeted behavioral domains. Most articles did not report about the behavior change techniques that were applied. Among the reported behavior change techniques, goal setting and self-management were the most frequently reported. Conclusions: Closer cooperation and interaction between behavioral sciences and technological areas is needed, so that theoretical knowledge and new technological advancements are better connected in actual applications. Eventually, this could result in a larger societal impact, an increase of the effectiveness of digital technologies for health behavioral change, and more insight in the relationship between behavioral change strategies and persuasive technologies' effectiveness. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/13311", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2019/12/e13311", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/13311", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31833836" }