@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/11147,作者="Marin-Gomez, Francesc X和Garcia Cuyas, Francesc和Reig-Bolano, Ramon和Mendioroz, Jacobo和Roura-Poch, Pere和Pico-Nicolau, Margalida和Vidal-Alaball, Josep",标题="初级卫生保健专业人员使用社交网络应用程序:基于web的截面调查",期刊="JMIR Mhealth Uhealth",年="2018",月="12月",日="21",卷="6",数="12",页="e11147",关键词=" Mhealth;社交网络;智能手机;态度;初级保健;远程医疗;背景:已经进行了几项研究来分析社交网络在患者和卫生专业人员之间的交流中所起的作用。然而,缺乏关于初级卫生专业人员在专业环境中使用各种可用手机应用程序进行沟通的研究。目的:我们的研究目的是通过比较市场上使用最广泛的应用程序,探索初级卫生保健专业人员出于工作目的使用手机社交网络应用程序。方法:2017年8月至9月,我们采用匿名网络调查对1635名初级卫生保健专业人员进行了横断面研究。 Results: Of 483 participants in the survey, 474 (98.1{\%}, 95{\%} CI 97.1{\%}-99.4{\%}) were health professionals who commonly accessed social networking sites and 362 (74.9{\%}, 95{\%} CI 71.1{\%}-78.8{\%}) accessed the sites in a work-related context. Of those 362 respondents, 219 (96.7{\%}, 95{\%} CI 94.8{\%}-98.5{\%}) preferred WhatsApp for both personal and professional uses. Of the 362 respondents who used social networking sites in a work-related context, 276 (76.2{\%}, 95{\%} CI 71.9{\%}-80.6{\%}) rated social networking sites as useful or very useful to solve clinical problems, 261 (72.1{\%}, 95{\%} CI 67.5{\%}-76.7{\%}) to improve their professional knowledge, and 254 (70.2{\%}, 95{\%} CI 65.5{\%}-74.9{\%}) to speed up the transmission of clinical information. Most of them (338/362, 94.8{\%}, 95{\%} CI 92.5{\%}-97.0{\%}) used social networking sites for interprofessional communications, and 204 of 362 (56.4{\%}, 95{\%} CI 51.2{\%}-61.5{\%}) used them for pharmacological-related consultations. Conclusions: Health professionals frequently accessed social networking sites using their mobile phones and often for work-related issues. This trend suggests that social networking sites may be useful tools in primary care settings, but we need to ensure the security of the data transfer process to make sure that social networking sites are used appropriately. Health institutions need to increase information and training activities to ensure the correct use of these tools. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/11147", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2018/12/e11147/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/11147", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30578175" }