@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / /移动医疗。5284,作者=“Cheng, Paula Glenda Ferrer和Ramos, Roann Munoz和Bitsch, J{\'o} {\'A}gila和Jonas, Stephan Michael和Ix, Tim和See, Portia Lynn Quetulio和Wehrle, Klaus”,标题=“口袋里的心理学家:用于抑郁症筛查的移动应用程序的词汇开发和内容验证”,期刊=“JMIR Mhealth Uhealth”,年=“2016”,月=“7”,日=“20”,卷=“4”,数=“3”,页=“e88”,关键词=“抑郁症;口袋里的心理学家;词汇发展;文本分析”,摘要=“背景:语言反映了一个人的心理健康状态和个人特征。它还揭示了对特定图式的关注,从而可能提供对心理状况的见解。用文本或词汇分析来探讨抑郁,可以描述消极图式和自我关注倾向。随着移动技术与日常生活的高度融合,移动设备具有生态瞬间评估(EMA)的能力,特别是体验抽样方法(ESM),即实时捕获行为或更接近于自然环境中的体验。将移动技术扩展到心理健康领域可以增强初步临床评估,特别是对情绪障碍(如抑郁症)的评估,并可以分析日常活动(如沟通中的语言使用)。在这里,我们介绍了词典的生成和发展过程,以及口袋里的心理学家(PiaP)的初步验证,这是一款旨在通过文本分析筛选抑郁症迹象的移动应用程序。 Objective: The main objectives of the study are (1) to generate and develop a depressive lexicon that can be used for screening text-input in mobile apps to be used in the PiaP; and (2) to conduct content validation as initial validation. Methods: The first phase of our research focused on lexicon development. Words related to depression and its symptoms based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5) and in the ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders: Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines classification systems were gathered from focus group discussions with Filipino college students, interviews with mental health professionals, and the review of established scales for depression and other related constructs. Results: The lexicon development phase yielded a database consisting of 13 categories based on the criteria depressive symptoms in the DSM-5 and ICD-10. For the draft of the depression lexicon for PiaP, we were able to gather 1762 main keywords and 9655 derivatives of main keywords. In addition, we compiled 823,869 spelling variations. Keywords included negatively-valenced words like ``sad'', ``unworthy'', or ``tired'' which are almost always accompanied by personal pronouns, such as ``I'', ``I'm'' or ``my'' and in Filipino, ``ako'' or ``ko''. For the content validation, only keywords with CVR equal to or more than 0.75 were included in the depression lexicon test-run version. The mean of all CVRs yielded a high overall CVI of 0.90. A total of 1498 main keywords, 8911 derivatives of main keywords, and 783,140 spelling variations, with a total of 793, 553 keywords now comprise the test-run version. Conclusions: The generation of the depression lexicon is relatively exhaustive. The breadth of keywords used in text analysis incorporates the characteristic expressions of depression and its related constructs by a particular culture and age group. A content-validated mobile health app, PiaP may help augment a more effective and early detection of depressive symptoms. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/mhealth.5284", url="http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2016/3/e88/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.5284", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27439444" }