@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / /移动医疗。4651,作者=“Weaver, Kathryn E和Ellis, Shellie D和denizad - thompson, Nancy和Kronner, Donna和Miller, David P”,标题=“制作吸引人的短信来鼓励结直肠癌筛查测试完成:一项定性研究”,期刊=“JMIR mHealth uHealth”,年=“2015”,月=“11”,日=“04”,卷=“3”,数=“4”,页=“e100”,关键词=“结直肠癌;筛选;移动健康;短信;定性的;背景:包含短信的移动健康干预措施在增加结肠直肠癌筛查等预防性健康服务的接受方面具有巨大潜力。然而,对于老年人从他们的卫生保健提供者那里收到短信的看法,我们知之甚少。目的:评估老年人是否会重视和获取医生关于结直肠癌筛查的短信。方法:我们对26名年龄在50至75岁之间的成年人进行了四个焦点组,他们要么最近完成了结直肠癌筛查,要么已经过期。 A trained moderator followed a semistructured interview guide covering participant knowledge and attitudes regarding colorectal cancer screening, potential barriers to colorectal cancer screening, attitudes about receiving electronic communications from a doctor's office, and reactions to sample text messages. Results: Participant responses to three primary research questions were examined: (1) facilitators and barriers to colorectal cancer screening, (2) attitudes toward receiving text messages from providers, and (3) characteristics of appealing text messages. Two themes related to facilitators of colorectal cancer screening were perceived benefits/need and family experiences and encouragement. Themes related to barriers included unpleasantness, discomfort, knowledge gaps, fear of complications, and system factors. Four themes emerged regarding receipt of text messages from health care providers: (1) comfort and familiarity with technology, (2) privacy concerns/potential for errors, (3) impact on patient-provider relationship, and (4) perceived helpfulness. Many participants expressed initial reluctance to receiving text messages but responded favorably when shown sample messages. Participants preferred messages that contained content that was important to them and were positive and reassuring, personalized, and friendly to novice texters (eg, avoided the use of texting shorthand phrases and complicated replies); they did not want messages that contain bad news or test results. They wanted the ability to choose alternative options such as email or phone calls. Conclusions: Older adults are receptive to receiving cancer screening text messages from health care providers. Sharing sample messages with patients may increase acceptance of this tool in the clinic setting. Supportive tailored text messaging reminders could enhance uptake of colorectal cancer screening by enhancing patient self-efficacy and providing cues to action to complete colonoscopy or fecal occult blood testing. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/mhealth.4651", url="http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2015/4/e100/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.4651", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26537553" }