@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / /移动医疗。3549,作者=“Zhang, Melvyn and Cheow, Enquan and Ho, Cyrus SH and Ng, Beng Yeong and Ho, Roger and Cheok, Christopher Cheng Soon”,标题=“低成本方法在手机应用程序开发中的应用”,期刊=“JMIR mHealth uHealth”,年=“2014”,月=“Dec”,日=“09”,卷=“2”,号=“4”,页=“e55”,关键词=“教育”;技术;手机应用程序;背景:近十年来,手机和手机应用的使用确实变得越来越普遍。之前的研究强调了一种仅使用互联网浏览器和文本编辑器创建应用程序的方法,但这并不能消除临床医生面临的挑战。最近,有两种应用程序开发方法被分享,但没有任何有关成本的披露。此外,应用程序的分发和传播等限制也没有得到解决。目的:本研究的目的是:(1)强调一种低成本的方法,让没有技术知识的临床医生可以用来开发教育应用程序;(2)明确开发过程中涉及的各自成本; (3) illustrate how limitations pertaining to dissemination could be addressed; and (4) to report initial utilization data of the apps and to share initial users' self-rated perception of the apps. Methods: In this study, we will present two techniques of how to create a mobile app using two of the well-established online mobile app building websites. The costs of development are specified and the methodology of dissemination of the apps will be shared. The application of the low-cost methodologies in the creation of the ``Mastering Psychiatry'' app for undergraduates and ``D{\'e}j{\`a} vu'' app for postgraduates will be discussed. A questionnaire survey has been administered to undergraduate students collating their perceptions towards the app. Results: For the Mastering Psychiatry app, a cumulative total of 722 users have used the mobile app since inception, based on our analytics. For the D{\'e}j{\`a} vu app, there has been a cumulative total of 154 downloads since inception. The utilization data demonstrated the receptiveness towards these apps, and this is reinforced by the positive perceptions undergraduate students (n=185) had towards the low-cost self-developed apps. Conclusions: This is one of the few studies that have demonstrated the low-cost methodologies of app development; as well as student and trainee receptivity toward self-created Web-based mobile phone apps. The results obtained have demonstrated that these Web-based low-cost apps are applicable in the real life, and suggest that the methodologies shared in this research paper might be of benefit for other specialities and disciplines. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/mhealth.3549", url="http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2014/4/e55/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.3549", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25491323" }