@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / /移动医疗。3425,作者=“Zhang, Melvyn WB and Tsang, Tammy and Cheow, Enquan and Ho, Cyrus SH and Yeong, Ng Beng and Ho, Roger CM”,标题=“使精神病医生成为手机应用程序开发人员:洞察应用程序开发方法”,期刊=“JMIR mHealth uHealth”,年=“2014”,月=“11”,日=“11”,卷=“2”,数=“4”,页=“e53”,关键词=“智能手机应用程序;移动应用程序;背景:在过去的十年里,手机,特别是智能手机的使用变得越来越普遍。最新的移动电话配备了可用于卫生保健的全面功能,例如提供快速获取最新循证信息、提供即时通信和改进组织。手机上的医疗保健应用程序的估计数量正在急剧增加,但之前的研究强调了对新应用程序缺乏批判性评估。缺乏对应用程序的评估很大程度上是由于缺乏具有如何创建基于证据的应用程序的技术知识的临床医生。目的:我们讨论了开发基于web的手机应用程序的两种免费方法:网站构建器和应用程序构建器。有了这些,用户不仅可以编写一个基于web的应用程序,还可以在他们的应用程序中集成多媒体功能,而不需要了解任何编程语言。方法:我们提出了使用两个完善的在线移动应用程序网站创建基于web的移动应用程序的技术。我们将演示如何在应用程序中集成基于文本的内容,以及如何集成交互式视频和丰富的站点摘要(RSS)提要信息。 We will also briefly discuss how to integrate a simple questionnaire survey into the mobile-based app. A questionnaire survey was administered to students to collate their perceptions towards the app. Results: These two methodologies for developing apps have been used to convert an online electronic psychiatry textbook into two Web-based mobile phone apps for medical students rotating through psychiatry in Singapore. Since the inception of our mobile Web-based app, a total of 21,991 unique users have used the mobile app and online portal provided by WordPress, and another 717 users have accessed the app via a Web-based link. The user perspective survey results (n=185) showed that a high proportion of students valued the textbook and objective structured clinical examination videos featured in the app. A high proportion of students concurred that a self-designed mobile phone app would be helpful for psychiatry education. Conclusions: These methodologies can enable busy clinicians to develop simple mobile Web-based apps for academic, educational, and research purposes, without any prior knowledge of programming. This will be beneficial for both clinicians and users at large, as there will then be more evidence-based mobile phone apps, or at least apps that have been appraised by a clinician. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/mhealth.3425", url="http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2014/4/e53/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.3425", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25486985" }