@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / /移动医疗。2850,作者=“Waterlander, Wilma and Whittaker, Robyn and McRobbie, Hayden and Dorey, Enid and Ball, Kylie and Maddison, Ralph and Myers Smith, Katie and Crawford, David and Jiang, yanannan and Gu, Yulong and Michie, Jo and Ni Mhurchu, Cliona”,标题=“使用形成性研究过程开发基于证据的移动健康体重管理项目”,期刊=“JMIR移动健康Uhealth”,年=“2014”,月=“7”,日=“11”,卷=“2”,数=“3”,页=“e18”,关键词=“减肥;干预;互联网;移动电话;背景:对于来自不同种族和社会经济背景的成年人来说,非常需要有效的、经济的、可获得的、可接受的体重管理项目。移动健康(通过手机和互联网提供)体重管理项目有潜力解决这一需求。为了使这种移动健康方法的成功和成本效益最大化,开发基于有效行为改变技术、经过验证的体重管理项目并与参与者的需求紧密结合的项目内容是至关重要的。目的:本研究旨在通过形成性研究和结构化内容开发过程,开发一个基于证据的移动健康体重管理计划(Horizon)。方法:地平线移动健康体重管理方案涉及修改以团体为基础的英国体重行动方案(WAP),通过短消息服务(SMS)和互联网提供。 We used an iterative development process with mixed methods entailing two phases: (1) expert input on evidence of effective programs and behavior change theory; and (2) target population input via focus group (n=20 participants), one-on-one phone interviews (n=5), and a quantitative online survey (n=120). Results: Expert review determined that core components of a successful program should include: (1) self-monitoring of behavior; (2) prompting intention formation; (3) promoting specific goal setting; (4) providing feedback on performance; and (5) promoting review of behavioral goals. Subsequent target group input confirmed that participants liked the concept of an mHealth weight management program and expressed preferences for the program to be personalized, with immediate (prompt) and informative text messages, practical and localized physical activity and dietary information, culturally appropriate language and messages, offer social support (group activities or blogs) and weight tracking functions. Most target users expressed a preference for at least one text message per day. We present the prototype mHealth weight management program (Horizon) that aligns with those inputs. Conclusions: The Horizon prototype described in this paper could be used as a basis for other mHealth weight management programs. The next priority will be to further develop the program and conduct a full randomized controlled trial of effectiveness. ", issn="22915222", doi="10.2196/mhealth.2850", url="//www.mybigtv.com/2014/3/e18/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.2850", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25098337" }