@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / /移动医疗。2709,作者=“韦弗,艾玛·R和霍利尼亚克,丹妮尔·R和詹金森,丽贝卡和迪茨,保罗和林,梅根SC”,标题=“‘让我们去浪费!“和其他应用:与酒精相关的智能手机应用的特征、可接受性和使用”,期刊=“JMIR Mhealth Uhealth”,年=“2013”,月=“Jun”,日=“25”,卷=“1”,数字=“1”,页面=“e9”,关键词=“饮酒;年轻的成年人;移动电话;背景:智能手机应用程序(“应用程序”)为健康促进活动提供了多种可能性。然而,年轻人也可能接触到信息不正确或质量低劣的应用程序,因为与互联网一样,应用程序大多不受监管。人们对与酒精相关的应用程序的质量以及它们对年轻人的行为可能产生的影响知之甚少。目的:对目前流行的酒精相关智能手机应用进行批判性评价,并探讨年轻人对这些应用的看法、接受度和对酒精相关健康促进的使用情况。方法:首先,对苹果iTunes和安卓谷歌Play商店中提供的500款智能手机应用进行内容分析。 Second, all available blood alcohol concentration (BAC) apps were tested against four individual case profiles of known BAC from a previous study. Third, two focus group discussions explored how young people use alcohol-related apps, particularly BAC apps. Results: 384 apps were included; 50{\%} (192) were entertainment apps, 39{\%} (148) were BAC apps, and 11{\%} (44) were health promotion and/or stop drinking--related apps. When testing the BAC apps, there was wide variation in results, with apps tending to overestimate BAC scores compared with recorded scores. Participants were skeptical of the accuracy of BAC apps, and there was an overall concern that these apps would be used as a form of entertainment, further encouraging young people to drink, rather than reduce their drinking and risk taking. Conclusions: The majority of popular alcohol-related apps encouraged alcohol consumption. Apps estimating blood alcohol concentration were widely available but were highly unreliable. Health departments and prominent health organizations need to endorse alcohol smartphone apps that are accurate and evidence-based to give specific apps credibility in the ever-expanding market of unregulated apps. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/mhealth.2709", url="http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2013/1/e9/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.2709", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25100681" }