@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / /移动医疗。2343,作者=“Shaw, Ryan J和Bosworth, Hayden B和Hess, Jeffrey C和Silva, Susan G和Lipkus, Isaac M和Davis, Linda L和Johnson, Constance M”,标题=“理论上驱动的移动健康短信应用程序的开发”,期刊=“JMIR移动健康Uhealth”,年=“2013”,月=“May”,日=“07”,卷=“1”,数=“1”,页=“e5”,关键词=“mHealth”;短消息服务;短信;短信;背景:手机短消息服务(SMS)文本信息,有潜力作为一种干预媒介,促进可持续减肥,临床医生和消费者可以轻松和负担得起地使用。目的:开发理论驱动的持续减肥短信和试点移动健康短信干预,以促进持续最近的减肥,以了解消息传递的最佳频率和时间,并进行可行性和可用性测试。试点研究的结果被用于设计和构建符合患者隐私的自动短信应用程序,以传递减肥持续消息。方法:我们首先进行了一项试点研究,参与者(N=16)在一个月内每天收到一条有组织的减肥计划的短信。信息是从饮食和运动指南中发展出来的。 Following the intervention, interviews were conducted and self-reported weight was collected via SMS text messaging. Results: All participants (N=16) were capable of sending and receiving SMS text messages. During the phone interview at 1 month post-baseline and at 3 months post-baseline, 13/14 (93{\%}) of participants who completed the study reported their weight via SMS. At 3 months post-baseline, 79{\%} (11/14) participants sustained or continued to lose weight. Participants (13/14, 93{\%}) were favorable toward the messages and the majority (10/14, 71{\%}) felt they were useful in helping them sustain weight loss. All 14 participants who completed the interview thought SMS was a favorable communication medium and was useful to receive short relevant messages promptly and directly. All participants read the messages when they knew they arrived and most (11/14, 79{\%}) read the messages at the time of delivery. All participants felt that at least one daily message is needed to sustain weight loss behaviors and that they should be delivered in the morning. Results were then used to develop the SMS text messaging application. Conclusions: Study results demonstrated the feasibility of developing weight loss SMS text messages, and the development of an mHealth SMS text messaging application. SMS text messaging was perceived as an appropriate and accepted tool to deliver health promotion content. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/mhealth.2343", url="http://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2013/1/e5/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/mhealth.2343", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25100678" }