@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/33247,作者="Aguiar, Maria and Trujillo, Maria and Chaves, Deisy and {\'A}lvarez, Roberto and Epelde, Gorka",标题="mHealth应用程序使用行为改变技术自我报告数据:系统评价",期刊="JMIR mHealth Uhealth",年="2022",月="Sep",日="9",卷="10",数="9",页="e33247",关键词="移动健康;移动健康;行为改变技术;依从性;应用程序;流动卫生干预措施;背景:用于公共卫生或医疗保健目的的移动健康(mHealth)应用程序的普及极大地改变了人类的生活,改善了生活方式行为和慢性病管理。目的:本综述旨在确定移动医疗中常用的行为改变技术(bct),根据干预措施和综述中报告的证据评估其有效性,以突出最合适的技术来设计优化策略,以提高对数据报告的依从性,并为未来的干预措施和研究提供建议。方法:我们对2010年至2021年在相关科学数据库中发表的研究进行了系统回顾,以确定和分析使用bct的移动健康干预措施,并从用户依从性方面评估其有效性。搜索词包括通用(如数据、信息和依从性)、计算机科学(如移动健康和bct)和医学(如个性化医疗)术语。 Results: This systematic review included 24 studies and revealed that the most frequently used BCTs in the studies were feedback and monitoring (n=20), goals and planning (n=14), associations (n=14), shaping knowledge (n=12), and personalization (n=7). However, we found mixed effectiveness of the techniques in mHealth outcomes, having more effective than ineffective outcomes in the evaluation of apps implementing techniques from the feedback and monitoring, goals and planning, associations, and personalization categories, but we could not infer causality with the results and suggest that there is still a need to improve the use of these and many common BCTs for better outcomes. Conclusions: Personalization, associations, and goals and planning techniques were the most used BCTs in effective trials regarding adherence to mHealth apps. However, they are not necessarily the most effective since there are studies that use these techniques and do not report significant results in the proposed objectives; there is a notable overlap of BCTs within implemented app components, suggesting a need to better understand best practices for applying (a combination of) such techniques and to obtain details on the specific BCTs used in mHealth interventions. Future research should focus on studies with longer follow-up periods to determine the effectiveness of mHealth interventions on behavior change to overcome the limited evidence in the current literature, which has mostly small-sized and single-arm experiments with a short follow-up period. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/33247", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/9/e33247", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/33247", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36083606" }