@Article{info:doi/10.2196/31233,作者=“Macharia, Paul和P{\'e}rez-Navarro, Antoni和Sambai, Betsy和Inwani, Irene和Kinuthia, John和Nduati, Ruth和Carrion, Carme”,标题=“一个基于非结构化补充服务数据的移动健康应用程序,为肯尼亚基布拉青少年提供按需性生殖健康信息;随机对照试验”,期刊=“JMIR移动健康Uhealth”,年=“2022”,月=“4”,日=“15”,卷=“10”,号=“4”,页=“e31233”,关键词=“青少年;性健康和生殖健康;移动电话;背景:从童年过渡到成年的青少年需要具备赋予他们权力的性生殖健康知识、技能、态度和价值观。可通过基于移动电话的卫生干预措施提供可获得、可靠、适当和友好的信息。目的:本研究旨在调查基于非结构化补充服务数据(USSD)的应用程序在提高青少年对避孕药具、基于性别的刻板印象、性传播感染(sti)、禁欲和感知脆弱性的知识方面的有效性和影响,并帮助青少年做出明智的性健康生殖健康决定。方法:采用随机对照试验(RCT)方法,研究基于ussd的应用程序提供按需SRH信息的潜力。为符合条件,居住在肯尼亚基布拉的15至19岁青少年必须有电话,并能参加为期3个月的随访。参与者被随机分配到干预组(n=146)和对照组(n=154),使用顺序编号的、不透明的密封信封。 The primary outcome was improved SRH knowledge. The secondary outcome was improved decision-making on SRH. The outcomes were measured using validated tools on adolescent SRH and user perceptions during the follow-up visit. A paired sample t test was used to compare the changes in knowledge scores in both groups. The control group did not receive any SRH information. Results: During the RCT, 54.9{\%} (62/109) of adolescents used the USSD-based app at least once. The mean age by randomization group was 17.3 (SD 1.23) years for the control group and 17.3 (SD 1.12) years for the intervention group. There was a statistically significant difference in the total knowledge scores in the intervention group (mean 10.770, SD 2.012) compared with the control group (mean 10.170, SD 2.412) conditions (t179=2.197; P=.03). There was a significant difference in abstinence (P=.01) and contraceptive use (P=.06). Of the individuals who used the app, all participants felt the information received could improve decision-making regarding SRH. Information on STIs was of particular interest, with 27{\%} (20/62) of the adolescents seeking information in this area, of whom 55{\%} (11/20) were female. In relation to improved decision-making, 21.6{\%} (29/134) of responses showed the adolescents were able to identify STIs and were likely to seek treatment; 51.7{\%} (15/29) of these were female. Ease of use was the most important feature of the app for 28.3{\%} (54/191) of the responses. Conclusions: Adolescents require accurate and up-to-date SRH information to guide their decision-making and improve health outcomes. As adolescents already use mobile phones in their day-to-day lives, apps provide an ideal platform for this information. A USSD-based app could be an appropriate tool for increasing SRH knowledge among adolescents in low-resource settings. Adolescents in the study valued the information provided because it helped them identify SRH topics on which they needed more information. Trial Registration: Pan African Clinical Trial Registry PACTR202204774993198; https://pactr.samrc.ac.za/TrialDisplay.aspx?TrialID=22623 ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/31233", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/4/e31233", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/31233", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35436230" }