@文章{info:doi/ 10.2199 /31309,作者="Sanchez, Sherald和Kundu, Anasua和Limanto, Elizabeth和Selby, Peter和Baskerville, Neill Bruce和Chaiton, Michael",标题="戒烟电子烟的智能手机应用程序:质量评估和内容分析",期刊="JMIR Mhealth Uhealth",年="2022",月="3",日="28",卷="10",数="3",页="e31309",关键词="电子烟;vap;停止;背景:随着电子烟(电子烟)的使用,或电子烟的流行持续增长,特别是在年轻人中,因此需要研究和干预措施来解决电子烟问题。目的:本研究调查了免费戒烟应用程序的质量、内容和特点、在用户中的受欢迎程度以及对循证原则的遵守程度。方法:在2020年12月对现有的戒烟应用程序进行了系统搜索。符合条件的应用程序是免费的,英文版本,包括专门针对戒烟的功能。分析中包含的每个应用都至少连续7天每天使用,使用移动应用评级量表进行评估,并由至少两名作者(AK、EL或SS)基于循证实践进行评级。计算组内相关系数(ICC)估计数,以评估评分者之间的可靠性(极好的一致性;国际刑事法庭的0.92; 95{\%} CI 0.78-0.98). Results: A total of 8 apps were included in the quality assessment and content analysis: 3 were developed specifically for vaping cessation and 5 focused on smoking cessation while also claiming to address vaping cessation. The mean of app quality total scores was 3.66 out of 5. Existing vaping cessation apps employ similar approaches to smoking cessation apps. However, they are very low in number and have limited features developed specifically for vaping cessation. Conclusions: Given the lack of vaping cessation interventions at a time when they are urgently needed, smartphone apps are potentially valuable tools. Therefore, it is recommended that these apps apply evidence-based practices and undergo rigorous evaluations that can assess their quality, contents and features, and popularity among users. Through this process, we can improve our understanding of how apps can be effective in helping users quit vaping. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/31309", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e31309", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/31309", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35343904" }