@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/30724,作者=“Spadaro, Benedetta和Martin-Key, Nayra A和Funnell, Erin和Bahn, Sabine”,标题=“围产期心理健康的移动健康解决方案:根据移动健康指数和导航数据库框架进行范围审查和评估”,期刊=“JMIR移动健康Uhealth”,年=“2022”,月=“1”,日=“17”,卷=“10”,数=“1”,页=“e30724”,关键词=“数字心理健康;围产期心理健康;怀孕;头脑;背景:卫生保健系统日益增加的压力导致对围产期精神障碍的认识不足。应用程序等数字心理健康工具可以为围产期心理健康筛查和评估提供一种选择。然而,缺乏关于围产期应用程序选项的可用性和功能的信息。目的:本研究旨在评估b谷歌Play Store (Android)和Apple App Store (iOS)上围产期心理健康诊断和筛查应用程序的现状,并根据移动健康指数和导航数据库框架回顾其功能。方法:采用范围审查方法,系统搜索Apple App Store和谷歌Play Store,以确定围产期心理健康评估应用程序。共下载了14个符合纳入标准的应用程序,并使用移动健康索引和导航数据库框架以标准化的方式进行了审查。 The framework comprised 107 questions, allowing for a comprehensive assessment of app origin, functionality, engagement features, security, and clinical use. Results: Most apps were developed by for-profit companies (n=10), followed by private individuals (n=2) and trusted health care companies (n=2). Out of the 14 apps, 3 were available only on Android devices, 4 were available only on iOS devices, and 7 were available on both platforms. Approximately one-third of the apps (n=5) had been updated within the last 180 days. A total of 12 apps offered the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in its original version or in rephrased versions. Engagement, input, and output features included reminder notifications, connections to therapists, and free writing features. A total of 6 apps offered psychoeducational information and references. Privacy policies were available for 11 of the 14 apps, with a median Flesch-Kincaid reading grade level of 12.3. One app claimed to be compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act standards and 2 apps claimed to be compliant with General Data Protection Regulation. Of the apps that could be accessed in full (n=10), all appeared to fulfill the claims stated in their description. Only 1 app referenced a relevant peer-reviewed study. All the apps provided a warning for use, highlighting that the mental health assessment result should not be interpreted as a diagnosis or as a substitute for medical care. Only 3 apps allowed users to export or email their mental health test results. Conclusions: These results indicate that there are opportunities to improve perinatal mental health assessment apps. To this end, we recommend focusing on the development and validation of more comprehensive assessment tools, ensuring data protection and safety features are adequate for the intended app use, and improving data sharing features between users and health care professionals for timely support. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/30724", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e30724", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/30724", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35037894" }