@文章{info:doi/10.2196/39150,作者="竹内广树与苏和,香织与岸实,秋富美与中村,彻与吉内,和弘与山本,吉春",标题="客观推式睡眠反馈对日常生活中习惯性睡眠行为和瞬间症状的影响:使用医疗物联网系统的移动健康干预试验",期刊="JMIR移动健康Uhealth",年="2022",月="十月",日="6",卷="10",数="10",页="e39150",关键词="可穿戴活动监测仪;智能手机应用;睡眠的反馈;生态的评估;稳定的睡眠时间;背景:睡眠有益于身心健康。一些移动和可穿戴的睡眠跟踪设备已经被开发出来,个性化的睡眠反馈是这些设备中最常见的功能。到目前为止,还没有研究实现客观的推式反馈信息,并调查接受睡眠反馈时的习惯性睡眠行为特征和每日症状。目的:我们进行了一项移动健康干预试验,以研究发送客观的推式睡眠反馈是否会改变日本上班族自我报告的情绪、身体症状和睡眠行为。 Methods: In total, 31 office workers (mean age 42.3, SD 7.9 years; male-to-female ratio 21:10) participated in a 2-arm intervention trial from November 30 to December 19, 2020. The participants were instructed to indicate their momentary mood and physical symptoms (depressive mood, anxiety, stress, sleepiness, fatigue, and neck and shoulder stiffness) 5 times a day using a smartphone app. In addition, daily work performance was rated once a day after work. They were randomly assigned to either a feedback or control group, wherein they did or did not receive messages about their sleep status on the app every morning, respectively. All participants wore activity monitors on their nondominant wrists, through which objective sleep data were registered on the web on a server. On the basis of the estimated sleep data on the server, personalized sleep feedback messages were generated and sent to the participants in the feedback group using the app. These processes were fully automated. Results: Using hierarchical statistical models, we examined the differences in the statistical properties of sleep variables (sleep duration and midpoint of sleep) and daily work performance over the trial period. Group differences in the diurnal slopes for mood and physical symptoms were examined using a linear mixed effect model. We found a significant group difference among within-individual residuals at the midpoint of sleep (expected a posteriori for the difference: −15, 95{\%} credible interval −26 to −4 min), suggesting more stable sleep timing in the feedback group. However, there were no significant group differences in daily work performance. We also found significant group differences in the diurnal slopes for sleepiness (P<.001), fatigue (P=.002), and neck and shoulder stiffness (P<.001), which was largely due to better scores in the feedback group at wake-up time relative to those in the control group. Conclusions: This is the first mobile health study to demonstrate that objective push-type sleep feedback improves sleep timing of and physical symptoms in healthy office workers. Future research should incorporate specific behavioral instructions intended to improve sleep habits and examine the effectiveness of these instructions. ", issn="2291-5222", doi="10.2196/39150", url="https://mhealth.www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e39150", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/39150", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36201383" }