TY - JOUR AU - Strand, Monica AU - Gammon, Deede AU - Eng, Lillian Sofie AU - Ruland, Cornelia PY - 2017 DA - 2017/11/14 TI -通过电子康复门户探索精神卫生保健中的工作关系:定性研究的经验服务用户和卫生服务提供者乔- JMIR表示“状态”健康SP - e54六世- 4 - 4 KW -电子健康千瓦复苏KW -心理健康KW -精神病学KW -用户参与KW -赋权KW -工作关系KW -安全电子邮件KW - e-recovery KW -参与式研究AB -背景:服务用户之间的工作关系的质量和卫生服务提供者是基础在心理健康复苏的过程。基于互联网的干预措施将如何影响有长期护理需求的人的这些关系,以及可以通过互联网采取哪些措施来维持和加强工作关系,这些仍然没有得到充分了解。目的:本研究的目的是深入了解在向服务用户和卫生保健提供者提供电子康复门户补充持续合作的选项时,他们如何体验他们的工作关系。方法:在这项探索性和描述性研究中,挪威2个精神卫生社区的服务用户及其医疗服务提供者使用电子康复门户网站至少6个月,最多12个月(2015-2016年)。该门户由安全消息传递、同伴支持论坛和用于处理生活领域(包括状态、目标和活动、网络地图、危机计划和练习)的资源工具箱组成。门户由服务用户拥有和管理,而健康提供者可以远程访问部分服务用户生成的内容。参与者可以以他们希望的任何方式使用门户,以适应他们的协作。数据来自6个焦点小组,17个个人访谈,以及1个二元访谈,他们在研究期间使用门户的经验,归纳编码和主题分析。结果:专题分析得出2个主要主题:(1)新的关系途径和(2)不一致,由8个子主题说明。 The first main theme is about dyads who reported new and enriching ways of working together through the portal, particularly related to written communication and use of the goal module. Illustrative subthemes are ownership, common ground, goals and direction, and sense of presence and availability. The second main theme illuminates the difficulties that arose when service users’ and health providers’ expectations for portal use were not aligned, and the consequences of not addressing these difficulties. Illustrative subthemes are initiative and responsibility, waiting for the other, feeling overwhelmed, and clarifications and agreements. Conclusions: The degree to which dyads benefited from using the e-recovery portal appeared to be mainly associated with the degree to which the dyads’ relations were open and flexible before the portal was introduced. For those who experienced frustrations, the portal may have both exposed and added to suboptimal working relationships. Use of the goal module appeared to strengthen the person-centered nature of collaboration. A key question is how health providers balance between enabling service users’ greater control over their care, without relinquishing responsibility for the quality of the working relationship, also when using an e-recovery portal. Implications for implementation are discussed. SN - 2368-7959 UR - http://mental.www.mybigtv.com/2017/4/e54/ UR - https://doi.org/10.2196/mental.8491 UR - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29138127 DO - 10.2196/mental.8491 ID - info:doi/10.2196/mental.8491 ER -