期刊文章%@ 2368-7959 %I JMIR出版物%V 9 %N 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析8 %P e39885 %T一个与covid -19相关的减轻压力的电子精神卫生资源:%A Minian,Nadia %A Gayapersad,Allison %A sava,Anika %A Dragonetti,Rosa %A Kidd,Sean A %A Strudwick,Gillian %A Selby,Peter %+尼古丁依赖服务,成瘾和心理健康中心,1025皇后街西,加拿大,多伦多,M6H 1H4, 1 416 535 8501,peter_selby@camh.net %K COVID-19 %K网站%K压力%K心理健康%K电子健康%K基于互联网的干预%K混合方法评估%K可用性%K数字健康%K健康信息学%D 2022 %7 26.8.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR Ment health %G英文%X背景:COVID-19及其公共卫生应对措施正在对人们的心理健康产生深远影响。为了在这些时期提供支持,加拿大最大的精神卫生和成瘾教学医院(成瘾和心理卫生中心[CAMH])于2020年3月18日启动了精神卫生和COVID-19大流行网站。本网站旨在为因COVID-19和公共卫生应对大流行而遭受轻度至中度痛苦的人提供非污名化的心理教育资源。目的:本研究的目的是检查CAMH心理健康和COVID-19大流行网站的覆盖范围、可用性和用户感知。方法:本研究采用混合方法的顺序解释设计方法,包括以下两个不同的阶段:(1)定量数据收集和分析(2)定性半结构化访谈。在第一阶段,我们分析了谷歌Analytics的数据,以了解有多少人访问了网站,哪些是访问最多的页面。我们进行了一项调查,以确定用户的社会人口背景,并使用系统可用性量表(System availability Scale)评估网站的可用性,使用感知压力量表(PSS-10)评估用户的主观压力水平。在第二阶段,我们进行了半结构化的访谈,以探索用户体验; user motivation, engagement, satisfaction, and perception of the stress reduction strategies; reflections of the website’s functionality, ease of use, navigation, and design; and recommendations for improvement. Results: Google Analytics results showed 146,978 unique users from June 2020 to March 2021. Most users were from Canada (130,066, 88.5%). Between February 20, 2021, and June 4, 2021, 152 users completed the survey. Most users identified as white, female, and having at least a college degree. Based on the PSS-10 scores, most participants were experiencing moderate to high stress when they visited the website. Users rated the usability of the website as acceptable. Ten users completed in-depth interviews between May 2021 and June 2021. Positive feedback related to the content was that the website was a trustworthy source of mental health information with helpful evidence-based stress reduction strategies. Areas for improvement included the text heavy design of the website, wider dissemination/marketing, and greater accessibility of the website to meet the needs of diverse populations. Conclusions: Adding stress reduction resources to a website from a well-respected institution may be a practical method to increase awareness and access to evidence-based stress reduction resources during times of crisis, where there is severe disruption to usual health care contacts. Efforts to ensure that these resources are more widely accessed, especially by diverse populations, are needed. %M 35960596 %R 10.2196/39885 %U https://mental.www.mybigtv.com/2022/8/e39885 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/39885 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35960596