I JMIR出版物V 9 %N 10 %P e33871 %基于应用程卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析序的数字符号替换测试评估重度抑郁症成人认知缺陷:评估研究McIntyre,Roger S . A Lipsitz,Orly A Rodrigues,Nelson B . A Subramaniapillai,Mehala Nasri,Flora Lee,Yena Fehnert,Ben King,James Chrones,Lambros Kratiuk,Kevin Uddin,Sharif Rosenblat,Joshua D . A Mansur,Rodrigo B . A McCue,Maggie +大脑与认知发现基金会,加拿大多伦多,M4W 3W4, 73 Mathersfield Drive, 1 416 603 5279,roger.mcintyre@bcdf.org %K抑郁%K DSST %K数字符号替换测试%K智能手机%K技术%K基于测量的护理%K认知%D 2022 %7 27.10.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR Ment健康%G英语%X背景:认知功能障碍是抑郁症的一种损害性核心症状。在使用抗抑郁药物治疗的重度抑郁症(MDD)成人中,残留的认知症状会干扰患者报告的结果。上述对认知症状的描述为在护理点筛查和评估认知症状的严重程度提供了依据。然而,临床神经认知评估是耗时和困难的,他们需要专业知识来解释他们。智能手机提供的神经认知测试可能提供一种有效且易于使用的工具,可以很容易地实施到基于测量的护理框架中。目的:我们旨在评估使用智能手机提供的基于应用程序的认知套件数字符号替换测试(DSST)神经认知评估版本,与传统的纸笔版本进行比较。方法:对两个版本的收敛效度和重测信度进行评估。患者对应用程序的满意度也进行了评估。 Results: Assessments made using the app-based Cognition Kit DSST were highly correlated with the standard paper-and-pencil version of the test, both at the baseline visit (r=0.69, df=27; P<.001) and at the end-of-study visit (r=0.82, df=27; P<.001), and they were positively evaluated by 30 patients as being user-friendly, easy to navigate, and preferable over the paper-and-pencil version of the DSST. However, although the app-based Cognition Kit DSST was validated in patients with MDD, it still needs to be evaluated in healthy controls. Conclusions: App-based DSST may facilitate a more personalized, convenient, and cost-effective method of cognitive assessment, helping to guide measurement-based care and psychotherapeutic and pharmacologic treatment options for patients with MDD. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03999567; https://tinyurl.com/2p8pnyv7 %M 36301615 %R 10.2196/33871 %U https://mental.www.mybigtv.com/2022/10/e33871 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/33871 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36301615