%0杂志文章%@ 2368-7959 %I JMIR出版物%V 8% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 9% P e26188% T社交媒体群体认知行为疗法干预预防围产期青少年抑郁症:利益相关者访谈和干预设计%A Gewali,Anupa %A Lopez,Alana %A Dachelet,Kristin %A Healy,Elise %A Jean-Baptiste,Marimirca %A Harridan,Holly %A Evans,Yolanda %A Unger,Jennifer A %A Bhat,Amritha %A Tandon,Darius %A Ronen,Keshet %+华盛顿大学全球卫生部,美国华盛顿州西雅图市第15大道3980号,1 206 685 4363,keshet@uw.edu %K抑郁症%K心理健康%K围产期%K怀孕%K产后%K青少年%K青年%K社交媒体%K群体%K手机%D 2021 %7 15.9.2021 %9原始论文%J JMIR Ment健康%G英语%X背景:年龄<25岁的青少年和青年人(青年)围产期抑郁症的风险高于老年人,他们经历了更高的当面护理障碍。社交媒体等数字平台为围产期青少年提供群体认知行为治疗(CBT)提供了一种便捷的途径。目的:我们的目标是开发交互式孕产妇信息和情感支持小组(IMAGINE)干预,一种促进社交媒体小组CBT干预,以预防美国青少年围产期抑郁症,通过调整母亲和婴儿(MB)课程,一种基于证据的面对面小组CBT干预。在这项研究中,我们报告了青年和卫生保健提供者对围产期青年心理健康需求的观点,并记录了他们如何告知IMAGINE设计。方法:我们对10名14-24岁的怀孕或产后青年和6名医护人员进行了21次半结构化的深入个人访谈。所有访谈都被记录、转录,并使用演绎和归纳的方法进行分析,以表征对青少年围产期心理健康的挑战和促进因素的看法。采用以人为本的设计方法,将利益相关者的观点纳入IMAGINE设计中。我们根据修改和改编框架对MB改编进行了分类,并报告了改编的性质、时间、原因和目标。 Results: Youth and health care workers described stigma associated with young pregnancy and parenting, social isolation, and lack of material resources as significant challenges to youth mental wellness. They identified nonjudgmental support, peer companionship, and access to step-by-step guidance as facilitators of youth mental wellness. They endorsed the use of a social media group to prevent perinatal depression and recommended that IMAGINE facilitate peer support, deliver content asynchronously to accommodate varied schedules, use a confidential platform, and facilitate the discussion of topics beyond the MB curriculum, such as navigating support resources or asking medical questions. IMAGINE was adapted from MB to accommodate stakeholder recommendations and facilitate the transition to web-based delivery. Content was tailored to be multimodal (text, images, and video), and the language was shortened and simplified. All content was designed for asynchronous engagement, and redundancy was added to accommodate intermittent access. The structure was loosened to allow the intervention facilitator to respond in real time to topics of interest for youth. A social media platform was selected that allows multiple conversation channels and conceals group member identity. All adaptations sought to preserve the fidelity of the MB core components. Conclusions: Our findings highlight the effect of stigmatization of young pregnancy and social determinants of health on youth perinatal mental health. Stakeholders supported the use of a social media group to create a supportive community and improve access to evidence-based depression prevention. This study demonstrates how a validated intervention can be tailored to this unique group. %M 34524086 %R 10.2196/26188 %U https://mental.www.mybigtv.com/2021/9/e26188 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/26188 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34524086