数字化短期干预减少心理创伤侵入性记忆的研究[j]卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析定性访谈研究%A Gamble,Beau %A Depa,Katherine %A Holmes,Emily %A Kanstrup,Marie %+乌普萨拉大学心理学系,瑞典乌普萨拉75142邮箱1225,46 0729242258,beau.gamble@psyk.uu.se %K数字干预%K远程传递%K侵入性记忆%K心理创伤%K定性反馈%K认知科学%K创伤后应激障碍%D 2021 %7 22.2.2021 %9原文%J JMIR Ment Health %G English %X2019冠状病毒病大流行加剧了全球对心理创伤后远程交付和可扩展干预措施的需求。将电脑游戏作为一项图像竞争任务的简短干预,在减少创伤侵入性记忆(创伤后应激障碍的核心临床症状之一)的数量方面显示出了令人鼓舞的结果。迄今为止,干预措施只是面对面进行的。为了在更广泛的范围内进行测试和实施,远程交付的数字适应至关重要。重要的第一步是根据临床医生、研究人员和学生的反馈,以系统的方式开发数字化干预材料,为目标用户的试点测试做准备。目的:本研究的第一个目的是获取并分析数字干预材料的定性反馈,即两个动画视频和两个测验,解释目标临床症状并提供干预指导。第二个目标是在此反馈的基础上完善数字化材料。方法:我们对12名参与者进行了半结构化访谈,这些参与者在面对面交付干预时已经交付或了解干预。 We obtained in-depth feedback on the perceived feasibility of using the digitalized materials and suggestions for improvements. Interviews were assessed using qualitative content analysis, and suggested improvements were evaluated for implementation using a systematic method of prioritization. Results: A total of three overarching themes were identified from the data. First, participants were highly positive about the potential benefits of using these digital materials for remote delivery, reporting that the videos effectively conveyed key concepts of the symptom and its treatment. Second, some modifications to the materials were suggested for improving clarity. On the basis of this feedback, we made nine specific changes. Finally, participants raised some key challenges for remote delivery, mainly in overcoming the lack of real-time communication during the intervention. Conclusions: Clinicians, researchers, and clinical psychology students were overall confident in the use of digitalized materials to remotely deliver a brief intervention to reduce intrusive memories of trauma. Guided by participant feedback, we identified and implemented changes to refine the intervention materials. This study lays the groundwork for the next step: pilot testing remote delivery of the full intervention to trauma survivors. %M 33616540 %R 10.2196/23712 %U https://mental.www.mybigtv.com/2021/2/e23712 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/23712 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/33616540