%0期刊文章%@ 2368-7959 %I JMIR出版物%V 6% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 11% P e13306 %T患者隐私对心理健康环境中健康信息交换的看法:定性研究%一沈,纳尔逊% Sequeira,莉迪亚%银,米歇尔Pannor % Carter-Langford,阿比盖尔%施特劳斯,约翰% Wiljer,大卫% +成瘾与精神健康中心,贝尔网关,斯托克斯街100号,多伦多,M6J 1 h4,加拿大,1 416 535 8501分机30132,nelson.shen@mail.utoronto.ca % K隐私% K健康信息交换% K健康信息技术% K对健康的态度% K信任% D原始论文7 13.11.2019 % 9 2019% % J JMIR健康% G英语% X的背景:精神疾病患者的隐私在健康信息交换(HIE)讨论中非常突出,因为他们潜在敏感的个人健康信息(PHI)可能会出于各种医疗保健目的通过电子方式共享。目前,由于缺乏深入的患者隐私研究,心理健康背景下的患者隐私视角还没有得到很好的理解;然而,有证据表明,患者的隐私观点比学术界和医疗保健界所假设的更加微妙。目的:本研究旨在了解加拿大HIE患者对隐私的感受。本研究还试图找出支撑他们隐私观点的因素,并探讨他们的观点如何影响他们对HIE的态度。方法:对加拿大一家成瘾和心理健康学术医院的患者进行半结构化访谈。在前因-隐私关注-结果宏观模型的指导下,访谈记录进行了演绎和归纳的主题分析。结果:我们采访了14名参与者。 Their privacy concerns varied, depending on the participant’s privacy experiences and health care perceptions. Media reports of privacy breaches and hackers had little impact on participants’ privacy concerns because of a fatalistic belief that privacy breaches are a reality in the digital age. Rather, direct observations and experiences with the mistreatment of PHI in health care settings caused concern. Decisions to trust others with PHI depended on past experiences with the individual (or institution) and health care needs. Participants had little knowledge of patient privacy rights and legislation but were willing to participate in HIE because of perceived individual and societal benefits. Conclusions: This study introduces evidence that patients with mental health conditions would support HIE. Participants were pragmatic, supporting HIE because they wanted the best care possible. They also understood that their PHI was critical in supporting the single-payer Canadian health care system. Participant health care experiences informed their privacy perspectives, trust, and PHI sharing attitudes—all accentuating the importance of the patient experience in building trust in HIE. Their lack of knowledge about patient rights and PHI uses highlights the degree of trust they have in the health care system to protect their privacy. These findings suggest that the patient privacy discourse should extend beyond the oft-cited barrier of patient privacy concerns to include discussions about building trust, communicating the benefits of HIE, and improving patient experiences. Although our findings are in the Canadian context, this study highlights the importance of engaging patients in privacy policy discussions, regardless of jurisdiction, to ensure their nuanced perspectives are reflected in policy decisions on their PHI. %M 31719029 %R 10.2196/13306 %U https://mental.www.mybigtv.com/2019/11/e13306 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/13306 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31719029