期刊文章I JMIR出版物为患有精神病或双相情感障碍的人的亲属提供基于卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析网络的干预:使用以用户为中心的方法进行设计研究% a Honary,Mahsa % a Fisher,Naomi Ruth % a McNaney,Roisin % a Lobban,Fiona %+兰开斯特大学计算与通信学院,C51室,InfoLab21,兰开斯特,LA1 4WA,英国,44 1524 593222,m.honary@lancaster.ac.uk %K心理健康%K网络干预%K用户为中心的设计%K护理人员%K双相情感障碍%K精神病%D 2018 %7 07.12.2018 %9原创论文%J JMIR Ment健康%G英语%X背景:经历双相情感发作或精神病的人的亲属面临着许多挑战(例如,社会孤立,有限的应对策略,以及维持关系的问题)。尽管如此,对于那些发现自己处于支持或关怀角色的人来说,信息和情感支持是有限的。数字技术为我们提供了提供可获取工具的机会,可以灵活使用这些工具来提供循证信息和支持,使亲属能够建立对心理健康问题的理解,并向有类似经历的人学习。然而,要设计对亲属有用的工具,我们首先需要了解他们的需求。目的:本研究的目的是使用以用户为中心的设计方法,基于亲属教育和应对工具包(REACT)小册子,开发一种可访问的基于网络的干预,以支持患有精神病或双相情感障碍的人的亲属的信息和情感需求。方法:我们邀请有双相情感障碍或精神病经历的人的亲属参加研讨会,以确定他们的需求和设计需求,开发一个基于纸质的基于web的工具包。我们使用了一种两阶段的定性方法来探索亲属对内容、设计和功能的看法,这些在基于web的干预中被认为是有吸引力的和有用的。在第一阶段,我们通过2个研讨会咨询了24位亲属,以更好地了解他们现有的支持基础设施、获取支持的障碍、未满足的需求以及亲属对在线支持的看法。 On the basis of the results of these workshops, we developed a set of design considerations to be explored in a smaller workshop. Workshop 3 then involved working with 2 digitally literate relatives to design a usable and acceptable interface for our Web-based toolkit. Finally, in phase 2, we conducted a heuristic evaluation to assess the usability of the toolkit. Results: Our findings indicated that relatives require technologies that (1) they can place their trust in, particularly when discussing a highly sensitive topic, (2) enable learning from the lived experiences of others while retaining confidentiality, and (3) they can work through at their own pace in a personalized manner. Conclusions: Our study highlights the need for providing a trustworthy, supportive tool where relatives can engage with people who have similar experiences to their own. Our heuristic evaluation showed promise in terms of perceived usability of the REACT Web-based intervention. Through this work, we emphasize the need to involve stakeholders with various characteristics, including users with limited computer literacy or experience in online support. %M 30530457 %R 10.2196/11473 %U http://mental.www.mybigtv.com/2018/4/e11473/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/11473 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30530457