@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/15973,作者="Khasawneh, Amro和Chalil Madathil, Kapil和Dixon, Emma和Wi{\ {s}}niewski, Pamela和Zinzow, Heidi和Roth, Rebecca",标题="在YouTube和Twitter上检查蓝鲸挑战的自我伤害和自杀传染效应:定性研究",期刊="JMIR Ment Health",年="2020",月="Jun",日="5",卷="7",数字="6",页="e15973",关键词="自杀;自杀意念;自残;心理健康;有自伤行为;背景:研究表明,通过社交媒体直接接触自杀行为和自残行为可能会通过模仿和模仿增加自杀率,特别是在更脆弱的人群中。社交媒体现象的一个例子是蓝鲸挑战,它证明了自残行为是如何潜在地传播的。在这项挑战中,青少年和年轻人被鼓励自残,最终自杀。目的:本文旨在调查个人在社交媒体上描述蓝鲸挑战的方式,重点是可能对弱势群体构成风险的因素。方法:我们首先使用主题分析方法对60个公开发布的YouTube视频、对这些视频的1112条评论和150条明确引用蓝鲸挑战的Twitter帖子进行编码。 We then deductively coded the YouTube videos based on the Suicide Prevention Resource Center (SPRC) safe messaging guidelines as a metric for the contagion risk associated with each video. Results: The thematic analysis revealed that social media users post about the blue whale challenge to raise awareness and discourage participation, express sorrow for the participants, criticize the participants, or describe a relevant experience. The deductive coding of the YouTube videos showed that most of the videos violated at least 50{\%} of the SPRC safe and effective messaging guidelines. Conclusions: These posts might have the problematic effect of normalizing the blue whale challenge through repeated exposure, modeling, and reinforcement of self-harming and suicidal behaviors, especially among vulnerable populations such as adolescents. More effort is needed to educate social media users and content generators on safe messaging guidelines and factors that encourage versus discourage contagion effects. ", issn="2368-7959", doi="10.2196/15973", url="https://mental.www.mybigtv.com/2020/6/e15973", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/15973", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32515741" }