在家庭护理护理中实施心衰远程监测系统:卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析可行性研究%A Seto,Emily %A Morita,Plinio Pelegrini %A Tomkun,Jonathan %A Lee,Theresa M %A Ross,Heather %A red - haughian,Cheryl %A Kaboff,Andrew %A Mulholland,Deb %A Cafazzo,Joseph A %+滑铁卢大学公共卫生与卫生系统学院,滑铁卢大学西200号,加拿大,N2L 3G1, 1 519 888 4567,%K患者监测%K家庭护理服务%K心力衰竭%K手机%K可行性研究%D 2019 %7原文论文%J JMIR Med Inform %G英文%X背景:在临床设置中对心力衰竭(HF)患者的远程监测(TM)已被证明是有效的,如果适当实施,但很少知道通过家庭护理护理机构实施TM的可行性和影响。目的:本研究旨在确定通过家庭护理机构实施基于手机的TM系统的可行性,并探索未来进行有效性试验的可行性。方法:通过社区心脏病专家和家庭医生招募10 ~ 15名使用TM系统4个月的心衰患者,每日测量体重和血压并记录症状,进行可行性研究。家庭护理护士通过电话和/或家访响应TM系统产生的警报。研究结束后,我们对患者及其临床医生进行了访谈,以确定他们对使用TM系统的认知和体验。结果:即使在多次尝试招募更多的医生(包括家庭医生)后,只有一名社区心脏病专家被招募,他愿意推荐患者参加本研究。这位心脏病专家在6个月的时间里只转诊了6名患者,其中一半的患者退出了研究。在家庭护理护理中实施TM系统的障碍是众多的,导致患者和临床医生的招募人数少,辍学率高。 These barriers included challenges in nurses contacting patients and physicians, issues related to retention, and challenges related to integrating the TM system into a complex home care nursing workflow. However, some potential benefits of TM through a home care nursing agency were indicated, including improved patient education, providing nurses with a better understanding of the patient’s health status, and reductions in home visits. Conclusions: Lessons learned included the need to incentivize physicians, to ensure streamlined processes for recruitment and communication, to target appropriate patient populations, and to create a core clinical group. Barriers encountered in this feasibility trial should be considered to determine their applicability when deploying innovations into different service delivery models. %M 31350841 %R 10.2196/11722 %U http://medinform.www.mybigtv.com/2019/3/e11722/ %U https://doi.org/10.2196/11722 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31350841