@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/35061,作者=“Ackermann, Khalia和Baker, Jannah和Festa, Marino和McMullan, Brendan和Westbrook, Johanna和Li, Ling”,标题=“儿科,新生儿和产妇住院患者败血症早期检测的计算机化临床决策支持系统:范围回顾”,期刊=“JMIR Med Inform”,年=“2022”,月=“5”,日=“6”,卷=“10”,数=“5”,页=“e35061”,关键词=“败血症;疾病的早期发现;计算机化临床决策支持;病人安全;电子健康记录;背景:败血症是一种严重的疾病,在世界范围内发病率和死亡率都很高。儿科、新生儿和孕产妇患者在败血症负担中占相当大的比例。尽早识别脓毒症病例是脓毒症管理的关键支柱,并促进了嵌入计算机化临床决策支持(CCDS)系统的脓毒症识别规则和算法的开发。目的:本范围综述旨在系统地描述有关CCDS系统用于早期发现儿童、新生儿和孕产妇脓毒症风险的研究报告。方法:检索MEDLINE、Embase、CINAHL、Cochrane、拉丁美洲和加勒比健康科学文献(LILACS)、Scopus、Web of Science、OpenGrey、ClinicalTrials.gov和ProQuest论文和论文全球(PQDT),使用的搜索策略包括败血症、临床决策支持和早期检测等术语。 Title, abstract, and full-text screening was performed by 2 independent reviewers, who consulted a third reviewer as needed. One reviewer performed data charting with a sample of data. This was checked by a second reviewer and via discussions with the review team, as necessary. Results: A total of 33 studies were included in this review---13 (39{\%}) pediatric studies, 18 (55{\%}) neonatal studies, and 2 (6{\%}) maternal studies. All studies were published after 2011, and 27 (82{\%}) were published from 2017 onward. The most common outcome investigated in pediatric studies was the accuracy of sepsis identification (9/13, 69{\%}). Pediatric CCDS systems used different combinations of 18 diverse clinical criteria to detect sepsis across the 13 identified studies. In neonatal studies, 78{\%} (14/18) of the studies investigated the Kaiser Permanente early-onset sepsis risk calculator. All studies investigated sepsis treatment and management outcomes, with 83{\%} (15/18) reporting on antibiotics-related outcomes. Usability and cost-related outcomes were each reported in only 2 (6{\%}) of the 31 pediatric or neonatal studies. Both studies on maternal populations were short abstracts. Conclusions: This review found limited research investigating CCDS systems to support the early detection of sepsis among pediatric, neonatal, and maternal patients, despite the high burden of sepsis in these vulnerable populations. We have highlighted the need for a consensus definition for pediatric and neonatal sepsis and the study of usability and cost-related outcomes as critical areas for future research. International Registered Report Identifier (IRRID): RR2-10.2196/24899 ", issn="2291-9694", doi="10.2196/35061", url="https://medinform.www.mybigtv.com/2022/5/e35061", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/35061", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35522467" }