%0期刊文章%@ 2369-3762 %I JMIR出版物%V 8% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 4% P e39946% T紧急医学和重症监护的岔路口博客和播客:横断面研究%A Lin,Michelle %A Phipps,Mina %A Yilmaz,Yusuf %A Nash,Christopher J %A Gisondi,Michael A %A Chan,Teresa M %+加州大学旧金山分校急诊医学系,1001波特雷罗大道,6A套房,加州旧金山,94110,美国,1 415 206 5758,michelle.lin@ucsf.edu %K开放教育资源%K免费开放获取教育%K FOAM %K教育%K开放获取%K基于互联网的%K基于网络的%K网站%K社交媒体%K医学教育%K破坏性创新%K博客%K播客%K急诊%K危重护理%D 2022 %7 28.10.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR医学教育%G英语%X背景:免费开放获取教育(FOAM)是指医学领域的开放获取、基于网络的学习资源。它包括所有形式的数字产品,包括博客和播客。从2002年到2013年,在急诊医学和重症监护方面的FOAM博客和播客网站的数量急剧增加,医生们开始依赖这些资源的可用性。这些FOAM站点的现状尚不清楚。目的:本研究旨在(1)估计目前在急诊医学和重症监护领域活跃的、开放访问的博客和播客的数量;(2)使用克里斯滕森的颠覆性创新理论作为理论框架,描述FOAM运动中观察到的和预期的趋势。方法:作者使用多种资源和抽样策略来识别2022年4月25日至2022年5月8日期间活跃的、开放访问的博客和播客,并将这些网站分类为博客、播客或博客+播客。对于每个类别,他们使用描述性统计数据报告了以下结果测量:年龄、资金、从属关系和团队组成。基于这些发现,作者使用实证主义范式和颠覆性创新理论作为理论框架,预测了活跃站点数量的趋势。 Results: The authors identified 109 emergency medicine and critical care websites, which comprised 45.9% (n=50) blogs, 22.9% (n=25) podcasts, and 31.2% (n=34) blogs+podcasts. Ages ranged from 0 to 18 years; 27.5% (n=30) sold products, 18.3% (n=20) used advertisements, 44.0% (n=48) had institutional funding, and 27.5% (n=30) had no affiliation or external funding sources. Team sizes ranged from 1 (n=26, 23.9%) to ≥5 (n=60, 55%) individuals. Conclusions: There was a sharp decline in the number of emergency medicine and critical care blogs and podcasts in the last decade, dropping 40.4% since 2013. The initial growth of FOAM and its subsequent downturn align with principles in the Theory of Disruptive Innovation by Christensen. These findings have important implications for the field of medical education. %M 36306167 %R 10.2196/39946 %U https://mededu.www.mybigtv.com/2022/4/e39946 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/39946 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36306167