%0期刊文章%@ 2369- 3762% I JMIR出版物%V 8%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 3% P e36096% T评估医学生在远程医疗中应对语言障碍的准备情况:横断面调查研究%A Yin,Leena %A Ng,Fiona %A Rutherford-Rojas,Mateo %A Williams,Mia %A Cornes,Susannah %A Fernandez,Alicia %A Garcia,Maria E %A Khoong,Elaine C %+美国加州大学旧金山分校医学系扎克伯格旧金山总医院普通内科,1 6282063188,elaine.khoong@ucsf.edu %K口译员%K语言障碍%K医科学生%K医学教育%K有限的英语水平%K远程医疗%K远程医疗%K在线教育%K临床医生%K卫生保健专业人员%D 2022 %7 11.8.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR医学教育%G英语%X背景:COVID-19大流行大大增加了美国的远程医疗使用。英语水平有限(LEP)的患者在医疗保健方面面临障碍,如果提供者与专业口译人员合作,这种障碍可能会减轻。然而,如果临床医生没有接受过在这种情况下与口译员一起工作的培训,远程保健可能会加剧差距。尽管医学生现在正以前所未有的规模参与远程医疗,但还没有发表过跨越语言障碍的数字化医疗教育创新。目的:本研究的目的是调查高等医学生在远程医疗接触中照顾LEP患者的信心。方法:我们于2020年8月和9月对在美国一家机构实习的医学生进行了书面调查。我们评估了学生在与口译员合作时的整体信心;在面对面与远程医疗接触中执行8项临床任务的信心; and frequency of performing 5 different clinical tasks with patients with LEP compared to English-speaking patients during in-person versus telehealth encounters. Wilcoxon signed-rank tests and chi-square tests were used to compare confidence and task performance frequency, respectively, for patients with LEP versus English-speaking patients during telehealth encounters. Students were also asked to identify barriers to care for patients with LEP. The free-response questions were qualitatively analyzed using open coding to identify key themes. Results: Of 300 medical students surveyed, 121 responded. Furthermore, 72 students answered >50% of questions and were included in the analyses. Compared to caring for patients with LEP during in-person encounters, respondents were less confident in working with interpreters (P<.001), developing trust (P<.001), identifying agenda (P=.005), eliciting preferences for diabetes management (P=.01), and empowering patients in lifestyle modifications (P=.04) during telehealth encounters. During both in-person and telehealth encounters, approximately half of students (40%-78%) reported engaging less frequently in every clinical task with patients with LEP and this was as low as 22% (13/59) for some tasks. Students identified these key barriers to care for patients with LEP: time pressure, interpretation quality and access, technical difficulties, cultural differences, and difficulty with rapport building. Conclusions: Advanced medical students were significantly less confident caring for patients with LEP via telehealth than in person. Broader implementation of training around navigating language barriers is necessary for telehealth care, which has rapidly expanded in the United States. Our study identified potential key areas for curricular focus, including creating patient-centered agendas and management plans within the constraints of virtual settings. These developments must take place simultaneously with systems-level improvements in interpreter infrastructure to ensure high-quality care for linguistically diverse patients. %M 35969421 %R 10.2196/36096 %U https://mededu.www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e36096 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/36096 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35969421