%0期刊文章%@ 2369-3762 %I JMIR出版物%V 8% 卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析N 3% P e24306 %T在虚拟患者平台中实现远程协作:可用性研究%A Kiesewetter,Jan %A Hege,Inga %A Sailer,Michael %A Bauer,Elisabeth %A Schulz,Claudia %A Platz,Manfred %A Adler,Martin %+ Institut für Didaktik und Ausbildungsforschung in der Medizin am Klinikum der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Pettenkoferstr. 8a,慕尼黑,80336,德国,49 89440057213,jan.kiesewetter@med.lmu.de %K协作学习%K临床推理%K webRTC %K协作%K决策%D 2022 %7 28.7.2022 %9原始论文%J JMIR医学教育%G英语%X背景:在医学教育中,与虚拟病人学习是培养临床推理的非常受欢迎的方法。然而,虚拟病人的学习很少是合作完成的,尽管合作学习相对于个人学习有潜在的学习好处。目的:本文描述了学生协作在虚拟病人平台中的实现。我们的目标是让学生在虚拟病人学习过程中远程交流。我们假设我们可以提供一种协作工具,与个人学习相比,它不会损害系统的可用性,并且这将导致对学生的诊断准确性更高。方法:协作工具的实现分为五个步骤:(1)寻找合适的软件库,(2)实现应用程序编程接口,(3)进行技术调整以确保为用户提供高质量的连接,(4)设计和开发用户界面,(5)在270个虚拟患者会话中测试工具的可用性。我们用10项系统可用性量表比较了二元组和个体诊断的准确性和可用性。结果:我们招募了137名学生,他们为6个虚拟病人工作。 Out of 270 virtual patient sessions per group (45 dyads times 6 virtual patients, and 47 students working individually times 6 virtual patients minus 2 randomly selected deleted sessions) the students made successful diagnoses in 143/270 sessions (53%, SD 26%) when working alone and 192/270 sessions (71%, SD 20%) when collaborating (P=.04, η2=0.12). A usability questionnaire given to the students who used the collaboration tool showed a usability score of 82.16 (SD 1.31), representing a B+ grade. Conclusions: The collaboration tool provides a generic approach for collaboration that can be used with most virtual patient systems. The collaboration tool helped students diagnose virtual patients and had good overall usability. More broadly, the collaboration tool will provide an array of new possibilities for researchers and medical educators alike to design courses for collaborative learning with virtual patients. %M 35900827 %R 10.2196/24306 %U https://mededu.www.mybigtv.com/2022/3/e24306 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/24306 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35900827