@文章{info:doi/10.2196/40520,作者="Harris, Stewart B和Idzik, Shannon和Boasso, Adriano和Neunie, Sola Quasheba和Noble, Alexander Daniel和Such, Helen Elaine和Van, Joanna",标题="基于网络的,教师领导的2型糖尿病继续医学教育项目的教育影响:《医疗卫生专业人员知识、能力与绩效变化调查研究》,期刊=《JMIR医学教育》,年=“2022”,月=“10”,日=“14”,卷=“8”,数=“4”,页=“e40520”,关键词=“临床病例;能力;继续医学教育;知识;多学科团队;基于网络的教育;性能;背景:2型糖尿病(T2D)的治疗前景在不断发展;因此,对卫生保健专业人员的持续教育至关重要。 There is growing interest in measuring the impact of educational activities, such as through use of the Moore framework; however, data on the benefits of continuing medical education (CME) in the management of T2D remain limited. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate HCP satisfaction; measure improvements in knowledge, competence, and performance following short, case-based, multidisciplinary web-based CME activities; and identify the remaining educational gaps. Methods: Two faculty-led, CME-accredited, web-based educational activities on T2D and obesity, touchIN CONVERSATION and touch MultiDisciplinary Team, were developed and made available on a free-to-access medical education website. Each activity comprised 3 videos lasting 10 to 15 minutes, which addressed learning objectives developed based on a review of published literature and faculty feedback. Participant satisfaction (Moore level 2) was evaluated using a postactivity questionnaire. For both activities, changes in knowledge and competence (Moore levels 3 and 4) were assessed using questionnaires completed by representative HCPs before or after participation in the activities. A second set of HCPs completed a questionnaire before and after engaging in activities that assessed changes in self-reported performance (Moore level 5). Results: Each activity was viewed by approximately 6000 participants within 6 months. The participants expressed high levels of satisfaction (>80{\%}) with both activities. Statistically significant improvements from baseline in knowledge and competence were reported following participation in touchIN CONVERSATION (mean score, SD before vs after activity: 4.36, 1.40 vs 5.42, 1.37; P<.001), with the proportion of learners answering at least six of 7 questions correctly, increasing from 22{\%} (11/50) to 60{\%} (30/50). A nonsignificant improvement in knowledge and competence was observed following participation in touch MultiDisciplinary Team (mean score, SD 4.36, 1.24 vs 4.58, 1.07; P=.35); however, baseline knowledge and competence were relatively high, where 80{\%} of the respondents (40/50) answered at least four of 6 questions correctly. A significant improvement in HCP self-reported performance was observed in a combined analysis of both activities (mean score, SD 2.65, 1.32 vs 3.15, 1.26; P=.03), with the proportion of learners selecting the answer representing the best clinical option for all 4 questions increasing from 32{\%} (11/34) to 59{\%} (20/34) after the activity. Several unmet educational needs were self-reported or identified from the analysis of incorrectly answered questions, including setting individualized glycemic targets and the potential benefits of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor therapies. Conclusions: Short, case-based, web-based CME activities designed for HCPs to fit their clinical schedules achieved improvements in knowledge, competence, and self-reported performance in T2D management. Ongoing educational needs identified included setting individualized glycemic targets and the potential benefits of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor therapies. ", issn="2369-3762", doi="10.2196/40520", url="https://mededu.www.mybigtv.com/2022/4/e40520", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/40520", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36102282" }