@文章{info:doi/10.2196/39023,作者="Grepmeier, Eva-Maria和Pawellek, Maja和Curbach, Janina和Sommoggy, Julia von和Drewitz, Karl Philipp和Hasenpusch, Claudia和Bitzer, Eva Maria和Apfelbacher, Christian和Matterne, Uwe",标题="卫生专业人员的卫生素养:来自范围审查的结果",期刊="JMIR医学教育",年="2022",月=" 10 ",日="17",卷="8",数="4",页="e39023",关键词="新冠肺炎- cov -2;COVID-19;卫生能力;COVID-19——相关的健康知识;背景:卫生素养(HL)是一个重要的公共卫生目标,但对提供医疗服务的个人也至关重要。在大流行期间,卫生专业人员与COVID-19相关的HL增加了势头;这一方面有助于降低自我感染的风险,另一方面也有助于保护患者和亲属免受感染。然而,关于hp中个体流行相关HL水平的全面信息很少。目的:在本文中,我们旨在描述在COVID-19大流行(背景)下的高人群(人群)中进行的关于HL(概念)的现有研究的程度。这篇综述旨在绘制有关高血压患者淋巴瘤的文献,从而突出研究空白。 Methods: This scoping review was conducted using the methodology of Khalil et al (2016). This involved an electronic search of PubMed (MEDLINE) and PsycInfo and a hand search. The included studies were iteratively examined to find items representing the four HL dimensions of access, understand, critically appraise, and apply COVID-19--related health information. Results: The search yielded a total of 3875 references. Only 7 (1.4{\%}) of the 489 included studies explicitly stated to have addressed HL; 2 (0.4{\%}) studies attempted to develop an instrument measuring COVID-19--related HL in HPs; 6 (1.2{\%}) studies included an HL measure in an observational survey design. Of the remainder, the vast majority used a cross-sectional design. The dimensions access and understand were frequently examined, but few studies looked at the dimensions critical appraisal or apply. Very few studies reported an intervention aiming to improve a COVID-19--related HL outcome. Conclusions: High levels of COVID-19--related HL among HPs are necessary to ensure not only safe practice with necessary protection of HPs, their patients, and relatives, but also successful care delivery and subsequently improved health outcomes in the long term. To advance our understanding of how high COVID-19--related HL manifests itself in HPs, how it relates to health outcomes, and how it can be improved, more research is necessary. Trial Registration: Open Science Framework dbfa5; https://osf.io/dbfa5/ ", issn="2369-3762", doi="10.2196/39023", url="https://mededu.www.mybigtv.com/2022/4/e39023", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/39023", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36179148" }