@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/31043,作者=“Charow, Rebecca和Jeyakumar, Tharshini和Younus, Sarah和Dolatabadi, Elham和Salhia, Mohammad和Al-Mouaswas, Dalia和Anderson, Melanie和Balakumar, Sarmini和Clare, Megan和dalla, Azra和Gillan, Caitlin和Haghzare, Shabnam和Jackson, Ethan和Lalani, Nadim和Mattson, Jane和Peteanu, Wanda和Tripp, Tim和Waldorf, Jacqueline和Williams, Spencer和Tavares, Walter和Wiljer, David”,标题=“医疗保健专业人员人工智能教育计划:范围综述”,期刊=“JMIR医学教育”,年=“2021”,月=“12月”,日=“13”,卷=“7”,数=“4”,页=“e31043”,关键词=“机器学习;深度学习;卫生保健提供者;教育;学习;背景:随着人工智能(AI)在医疗保健领域的应用越来越多,让医疗保健专业人员(HCPs)参与开发、验证和实施人工智能技术将变得越来越重要。然而,由于缺乏人工智能知识,大多数HCPs没有为这场革命做好充分准备。这是采用和实施影响患者的人工智能的一个重大障碍。此外,现有有限的人工智能教育项目在各级医学教育中面临着发展和实施的障碍。 Objective: With a view to informing future AI education programs for HCPs, this scoping review aims to provide an overview of the types of current or past AI education programs that pertains to the programs' curricular content, modes of delivery, critical implementation factors for education delivery, and outcomes used to assess the programs' effectiveness. Methods: After the creation of a search strategy and keyword searches, a 2-stage screening process was conducted by 2 independent reviewers to determine study eligibility. When consensus was not reached, the conflict was resolved by consulting a third reviewer. This process consisted of a title and abstract scan and a full-text review. The articles were included if they discussed an actual training program or educational intervention, or a potential training program or educational intervention and the desired content to be covered, focused on AI, and were designed or intended for HCPs (at any stage of their career). Results: Of the 10,094 unique citations scanned, 41 (0.41{\%}) studies relevant to our eligibility criteria were identified. Among the 41 included studies, 10 (24{\%}) described 13 unique programs and 31 (76{\%}) discussed recommended curricular content. The curricular content of the unique programs ranged from AI use, AI interpretation, and cultivating skills to explain results derived from AI algorithms. The curricular topics were categorized into three main domains: cognitive, psychomotor, and affective. Conclusions: This review provides an overview of the current landscape of AI in medical education and highlights the skills and competencies required by HCPs to effectively use AI in enhancing the quality of care and optimizing patient outcomes. Future education efforts should focus on the development of regulatory strategies, a multidisciplinary approach to curriculum redesign, a competency-based curriculum, and patient-clinician interaction. ", issn="2369-3762", doi="10.2196/31043", url="https://mededu.www.mybigtv.com/2021/4/e31043", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/31043", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/34898458" }