@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/16946,作者="Kynge, Lucy",标题="寻找在低资源环境下提供在线教育内容的最佳方式:定性调查研究",期刊="JMIR Med Educ",年="2020",月="五月",日="26",卷="6",数="1",页数="e16946",关键词="在线教育;数字内容;卫生保健;烧伤;背景:互联网和移动电话的覆盖范围在低收入和中等收入国家(LMICs)迅速增长。与资源匮乏环境下的卫生保健工作者分享知识以改进工作实践的潜力是切实存在的,但存在限制获取在线信息的障碍。烧伤每年影响1100多万人,但资源匮乏地区的卫生保健工作者很少或根本没有接受过治疗烧伤患者的培训。Interburns的培训项目是为提高亚洲、非洲和中东地区的烧伤护理质量而量身定制的;我们面临的挑战是了解如何以数字方式传递这些资源,以改善烧伤患者的治疗和护理。目的:这项由美国国家卫生研究所(NIHR)资助的研究的目的是了解在资源匮乏的环境下影响医护人员在线学习的问题和障碍,以扩大对Interburns培训材料的获取,并改善烧伤患者的护理。 Methods: A total of 546 participants of Interburns' Essential Burn Care (EBC) course held in Bangladesh, Nepal, Ethiopia, and the West Bank, the occupied Palestinian Territories, between January 2016 and June 2018 were sent an online survey. EBC participants represent the wide range of health care professionals involved with the burn-injured patient. A literature review was carried out as well as research into online platforms. Results: A total of 207 of 546 (37.9{\%}) participants of the EBC course did not provide an email address. Of the 339 email addresses provided, 81 (23.9{\%}) ``bounced'' back. Surgeons and doctors were more likely to provide an email address than nurses, intern doctors, or auxiliary health care workers. A total of 258 participants received the survey and 70 responded, giving a response rate of 27.1{\%}. Poor internet connection, lack of time, and limited access to computers were the main reasons for not engaging with online learning, along with lack of relevant materials. Computers were seen as more useful for holding information, while mobile phones were better for communicating and sharing knowledge. Health care workers in LMICs use mobile phones professionally on a daily basis. A total of 80{\%} (56/70) felt that educational content on burns should be available through mobile apps. Conclusions: Health care workers in low-resource settings face a variety of barriers to accessing educational content online. The reliance on email for sign-up to learning management systems is a significant barrier. Materials need to be relevant, localized, and easy to consume offline if necessary, to avoid costs of mobile phone data. Smartphones are increasingly used professionally every day for communication and searching for information, pointing toward the need for tailored educational content to be more available through mobile- and web-based apps. ", issn="2369-3762", doi="10.2196/16946", url="http://mededu.www.mybigtv.com/2020/1/e16946/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/16946", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32452810" }