@Article{信息:doi 10.2196 / / mededu。7480,作者=“Ebn Ahmady, Arezoo和Barker, Megan和Fahim, Myra和Dragonetti, Rosa和Selby, Peter”,标题=“基于web的继续专业发展课程评估:聚合混合方法模型”,期刊=“JMIR医学教育”,年=“2017”,月=“10”,日=“20”,卷=“3”,数=“2”,页=“e19”,关键词=“学习;互联网;评价研究;背景:许多基于网络的持续职业发展(CPD)项目对基本理论不明确,也未能证明其影响。目的:本研究的目的是开发和应用一个聚合混合方法评估模型,以描述用于评估烟草依赖治疗CPD课程的范式、理论框架和方法方法,应用戒烟咨询与健康培训增强(TEACH)项目。方法:对2015年10月为期5周的TEACH网络核心课程进行效果评估。评价模型的推导使用了一个批判现实主义的镜头,把一个维度的功利主义的直觉主义的方法。此外,我们将我们的发现与Fitzpatrick等人、Moore等人和Kirkpatrick描述的模型相关联。定性反馈的主题分析采用归纳和演绎的方法,定量分析采用依赖样本t检验。 Results: A total of 59 participants registered for the course, and 48/59 participants (81{\%}) completed all course requirements. Quantitative analysis indicated that TEACH participants reported (1) high ratings (4.55/5, where 5=best/excellent) for instructional content and overall satisfaction of the course (expertise and consumer-oriented approach), (2) a significant increase (P ˂.001) in knowledge and skills (objective-oriented approach), and (3) high motivation (78.90{\%} of participants) to change and sustain practice change (management-oriented approach). Through the intuitionist lens, inductive and deductive qualitative thematic analysis highlighted three central themes focused on (1) knowledge acquisition, (2) recommendations to enhance learning for future participants, and (3) plans for practice change in the formative assessment, and five major themes emerged from the summative assessment: (1) learning objectives, (2) interprofessional collaboration, (3) future topics of relevance, (4) overall modification, and (5) overall satisfaction. Conclusions: In the current aggregate model to evaluate CPD Web-based training, evaluators have been influenced by different paradigms, theoretical lenses, methodological approaches, and data collection methods to address and respond to different needs of stakeholders impacted by the training outcomes. ", issn="2369-3762", doi="10.2196/mededu.7480", url="http://mededu.www.mybigtv.com/2017/2/e19/", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/mededu.7480", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29054834" }