%0期刊文章%@ 2152-7202 %I JMIR出版物%V 14%卡塔尔世界杯8强波胆分析 N 1% P 38209% T评估由标准化患者创建的医学院招生多重迷你面试的全球评估措施:混合方法研究%A肯尼迪,Ann Blair, Riyad,Cindy Nessim Youssef %A Ellis,Ryan %A Fleming,Perry R %A Gainey,Mallorie %A Templeton,Kara %A Nourse,Anna %A Hardaway,Virginia %A Brown,April %A Evans,Pam %A Natafgi,Nabil +南卡罗来纳大学格林维尔医学院生物医学科学系,格林维尔,SC, 20605,美国,1 864 923 4456,kenneda5@greenvillemed.sc.edu %K合作设计%K参与式设计%K医学院%K探索性顺序混合方法设计%K学校录取标准%K医学院学生%K沟通%K多次迷你面试%K面试%K患者%K学生%K医学院%K录取%K研究设计%D 2022 %7 30.8.2022 %9原始论文%J J参与医学%G英语%X背景:标准化患者(SPs)是多个小型面试(MMIs)中的重要利益相关者,这些面试越来越多地用于评估医学院申请人的人际交往能力。然而,几乎没有证据表明它们被纳入仪器的开发。目的:本研究旨在描述过程并评估让SPs共同设计和共同创建一个全球测量问题的影响,以评估医学院申请人对医学院的准备情况和接受状况。方法:本研究采用探索性、序贯性和混合方法的研究设计。首先,我们评估了初始的MMI计划,并确定了接下来的质量改进步骤。其次,我们与卫生服务提供商举行了合作研讨会,共同制定评估问题和回答选项。第三,我们根据2018-2019学年开始的3组申请人的1084名申请人的数据,通过统计测试评估了创建的问题和额外的MMI条目。 The internal reliability of the MMI was measured using a Cronbach α test, and its prediction of admission status was tested using a forward stepwise binary logistic regression. Results: Program evaluation indicated the need for an additional quantitative question to assess applicant readiness for medical school. In total, 3 simulation specialists, 2 researchers, and 21 SPs participated in a workshop leading to a final global assessment question and responses. The Cronbach α’s were >0.8 overall and in each cohort year. The final stepwise logistic model for all cohorts combined was statistically significant (P<.001), explained 9.2% (R2) of the variance in acceptance status, and correctly classified 65.5% (637/972) of cases. The final model consisted of 3 variables: empathy, rank of readiness, and opening the encounter. Conclusions: The collaborative nature of this project between stakeholders, including nonacademics and researchers, was vital for the success of this project. The SP-created question had a significant impact on the final model predicting acceptance to medical school. This finding indicates that SPs bring a critical perspective that can improve the process of evaluating medical school applicants. %M 36040776 %R 10.2196/38209 %U https://jopm.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e38209 %U https://doi.org/10.2196/38209 %U http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/36040776