@文章{信息:doi/10.2196/37759,作者="Smith, Catherine Arnott and Kelly, Michelle M",标题="在共享儿科住院病人记录的预期:与利益相关者的焦点小组研究",期刊="J Particip Med",年="2022",月=" 5 ",日="30",卷="14",数="1",页="e37759",关键词="医疗信息学;信息共享;电子健康记录;病人门户;医院;儿科;焦点小组;住院病人护理;背景:患者门户是一种健康信息技术,它允许患者及其代理人(如护理人员和家庭成员)使用移动设备和web浏览器访问其电子健康记录的指定部分。美国的“公开病历”倡议于2021年4月成为联邦法律,重新划定并扩大了医疗记录的边界。 Only a few studies have focused on sharing notes with parents or caregivers of pediatric patients. Objective: This study aimed to investigate the anticipated impact of increasing the flow of electronic health record information, specifically physicians' daily inpatient progress notes, via a patient portal to parents during their child's acute hospital stay---an understudied population and an understudied setting. Methods: A total of 5 in-person focus groups were conducted with 34 stakeholders most likely impacted by sharing of physicians' inpatient notes with parents of hospitalized children: hospital administrators, hospitalist physicians, interns and resident physicians, nurses, and the parents themselves. Results: Distinct themes identified as benefits of pediatric inpatient Open Notes for parents emerged from all the 5 focus groups. These themes were communication, recapitulation and reinforcement, education, stress reduction, quality control, and improving family-provider relationships. Challenges identified included burden on provider, medical jargon, communication, sensitive content, and decreasing trust. Conclusions: Providing patients and, in the case of pediatrics, caregivers with access to medical records via patient portals increases the flow of information and, in turn, their ability to participate in the discourse of their care. Parents in this study demonstrated not only that they act as monitors and guardians of their children's health but also that they are observers of the clinical processes taking place in the hospital and at their child's bedside. This includes the clinical documentation process, from the creation of notes to the reading and sharing of the notes. Parents acknowledge not only the importance of notes in the clinicians' workflow but also their collaboration with providers as part of the health care team. ", issn="2152-7202", doi="10.2196/37759", url="https://jopm.www.mybigtv.com/2022/1/e37759", url="https://doi.org/10.2196/37759", url="http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/35635743" }